Saulis / iron-data-table

iron-data-table is a Web Component for displaying data as a table or grid. Built on top of iron-list using Polymer.
Apache License 2.0
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Databinding doesnt work #111

Closed pc11000 closed 8 years ago

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

I think thats an easy one.

I have a json-object containing items with two attributes (name,state)

I try to bind this into iron-data-table

<template is="dom-bind" >
  <remote-data data-source="{{riskCombined}}" ></remote-data>
  <iron-data-table selection-enabled size="100000" data-source="[[riskCombined]]"  >
    <data-table-column name="First Name">
    <data-table-column name="Last Name">
    <data-table-column name="Email">

Where am I going wrong?

joebordes commented 8 years ago

Have you loaded the remote-data component? It is defined below in the demo code. Try a direct iron-ajax to get the information

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

I have two ajax requests:

` <iron-ajax auto verbose
   <iron-ajax auto verbose

put them into arrays

`    handleResponse: function(data) {
 this.riskNamesArr = data.detail.response.items;

  handleResponse1: function(data) {
 this.StateArr = data.detail.response.items;

and combine them into one object:

properties: {
   riskNamesArr: {
              type: Array,
              notify: true

         StateArr: {
                type: Array,
                notify: true

             testArr: {
                 type: Array,
                 notify: true

              riskCombined: {
                  computed: '_computeRiskCombo(riskNamesArr, StateArr)'
    _computeRiskCombo: function(riskNamesArr, StateArr) {
                return this.testArr = function(x, i){
                    return {"name": x, "state": this.StateArr[i]}

This is working with paper-datatable but not with iron-data-table

web-padawan commented 8 years ago

If you have two properties testArr and riskCombined, and only the first has a notify: true, try using this:

<remote-data test-arr="{{riskCombined}}" ></remote-data>
pc11000 commented 8 years ago

this ends in a

Uncaught TypeError: dataSource is not a function

web-padawan commented 8 years ago

My mistake, try using items instead of data-source attribute.

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

finally its working with items but why?

web-padawan commented 8 years ago

When using data-source instead of items, you should pass a function which loads items lazily, not an array. It might look like this:

properties: {
  dataSource: {
    value: function () {
      return this._dataSource.bind(this);
_dataSource: function (opts, callback) {
  // perform some requests here
pc11000 commented 8 years ago

ah ok, thank you!

Saulis commented 8 years ago

@pad90 you got everything sorted out?

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

@Saulis yes this one is solved. just another Question I dont really understand how to use the API Reference properties (selectItem...) Do you have some examples that could help me getting started?

Saulis commented 8 years ago

@pad90 contains pretty much all the examples I have, but they don't have anything about selectedItem or selectedItems properties.

I can make you a code example if you can elaborate a bit what specifically you're interested in.

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

@Saulis yes i have seen those demos.

What i want to do no is a sort of an edit function. My code now:

`    <data-table-column name="Risk" width="100px" flex="0">
    <data-table-column name="State" width="80px" flex="0">
       <data-table-column name="Edit">
      <template><a href="app-info.html"> <img src="Edit-50.png"> </a></template>

If the user clicks on the Edit Icon I want to show him a new window containing the information of the clicked object. Is there existing already something like that ?

Saulis commented 8 years ago

I suggest you use something like <paper-icon-button> for triggering the edit window instead of a link. You can add a tap listener to it easily and use event.model.item to check which row was tapped on.

Secondly, you might want to look into the row details template, which I think would be handy for making an editor. Depends on the amount of data you need to display of course.

I made a really simple example on how to use an icon button and row details template:,output

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

Thank you thats a nice solution. I think for my case it would be better to show a sort of a dropdown where the user can chose a predefined value.

Saulis commented 8 years ago

@pad90 sure, I recommend vaadin-combo-box for that.

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

@Saulis thx i'll try this

Saulis commented 8 years ago

OK, I'll close this issue now, please reopen if something new comes up.

pc11000 commented 8 years ago

Hi @saulis maybe you can help me. I have now the vaadin Combobox inside an iron-data-table. Now on the iPhone I dont want to open the virtual Keyboard when tapping the combobox item. The User should just choose one of the Dropdown values. where can I deactivate the keyboard input?

Saulis commented 8 years ago

Answered in

alenkvakic commented 7 years ago

@pad90 (and any other that may struggle here)

to make use of selected-item and take the values and edit it; i can give you a direction where you dont have to use a button or a link:

In your markup: <iron-data-table id="foo" items="{{}}" selected-item="{{selectedItem}}" selection-enabled>

Now you can access the selected item via this.$.foo.selectedItem; if you console log this, you'll get all the items data that was passed inside the datatable. From there you can add an observer in your elements props e.g. selectedItem: { observer: '_selectedItemChanged' },

Now observe the change and do something with the observation e.g. fire an event

_selectedItemChanged: function (item) {
          if (this.selectedItem) {
  'edit-item', item);
            //or this.$

From here you can add a listener to listen for the change and execute something (e.g. opening a new element as your editor element, just make sure to make a copy of the parsed item by catching it via a function). You can do pretty much anything at this point.