Saur0o0n / PIDKiln

Kiln PID controller based on Espressif Systems ESP32 chip board with Arduino IDE.
GNU General Public License v2.0
102 stars 38 forks source link

Cone Programs #3

Closed seesoe closed 3 years ago

seesoe commented 3 years ago

@Saur0o0n I was wondering how your program ramps look in relation to a degrees per hour firing schedule?

Here's an example schedule from a Skutt electronic controller for a slow 04 bisque fire.

Segment 1: 80 degrees / hour to 250 degrees F
Segment 2: 250 degrees / hour to 1000 degrees F
Segment 3: 150 degrees / hour to 1300 degrees F
Segment 4: 180 degrees / hour to 1685 degrees F
Segment 5: 80 degrees / hour to 1928 degrees F

Would the following be correctly translated?

# Candle then slow bisque at 04

# Candle for 10 hours

# Segment 1: 80 degrees / hour to 250 degrees F
# Segment 1: 27 degrees / hour to 121 degrees C
# 60 / ((121 - 83) / 27)
110:42:0 #Starting at 83

# Segment 2: 250 degrees / hour to 1000 degrees F
# Segment 2: 121 degrees / hour to 538 degrees C
# 60 / ((538 - 121) / 121)
242:17:0 #Starting at 121

# Segment 3: 150 degrees / hour to 1300 degrees F
# Segment 3: 66 degrees / hour to 705 degrees C
# 60 / ((705 - 538) / 66)
604:23:0 #Starting at 538

# Segment 4: 180 degrees / hour to 1685 degrees F
# Segment 4: 83 degrees / hour to 919 degrees C
# 60 / ((919 - 705) / 83)
788:23:0 #Starting at 705

# Segment 5: 80 degrees / hour to 1928 degrees F
# Segment 5: 27 degrees / hour to 1054 degrees C
# 60 / ((1054 - 919) / 27)
946:12:0 #Starting at 919
1054:12:15 # Soak for 15 min
Saur0o0n commented 3 years ago

Have you seen doc ? Your first target is to acquire 121C with increase ratio of 21C per hour. If that's correct, this should look like this: Assuming room/start temperature 21C, you need to go up 100C. So 100/21=4,76 hours. 4,76*60 (to convert to minutes) = 286 (rounded up). This gives first line of the program: 121:286:0

Assuming you are not going to dwell at the end (so there is 0 minutes).

seesoe commented 3 years ago

Yes I read all the docs, but does not mention best example for work time per hour.

Something like this? Seems like a really long 04 bisque profile.

# Candle then slow bisque at 04

# Candle for 10 hours

# Segment 1: 27 degrees / hour to 121 degrees C
# ((121 - 83) / 27) * 60
121:85:0 # Starting at 83

# Segment 2: 121 degrees / hour to 538 degrees C
# ((538 - 121) / 121) * 60
538:207:0 # Starting at 121

# Segment 3: 66 degrees / hour to 705 degrees C
# ((705 - 538) / 66) * 60
705:152:0 # Starting at 538

# Segment 4: 83 degrees / hour to 919 degrees C
# ((919 - 705) / 83) * 60
919:155:0 # Starting at 705

# Segment 5: 27 degrees / hour to 1054 degrees C
# ((1054 - 919) / 27) * 60
1054:300:15 # Starting at 919
# Soak for 15 min
Saur0o0n commented 3 years ago

Your program will look like this: pidkiln