SauravMukherjee44 / Aec-Library-Website

This is an Open-Source Library Website in which you get Resources to learn different topics, Donate book section to donate your old books, and a Book issue section to keep a record of all the books issued. -HacktoberFest Accepted
MIT License
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Bug Report: Missing "alt" Property for Images in resources.html file #1455

Closed GauriBhandari closed 11 months ago

GauriBhandari commented 11 months ago

Reproduction steps

I noticed that some images on the website are missing the "alt" attribute. The "alt" attribute is essential for accessibility as it provides a text alternative to the images. This allows screen readers and other assistive technologies to describe the image to users who may have visual impairments.

Steps to Reproduce:

1.Navigate to resources.html. 2.Inspect the images on the page and look for the "alt" attribute.

Expected behavior

All images on the website should have a descriptive and meaningful "alt" attribute that conveys the content and purpose of the image.

Actual Behavior

The website's images are missing a attribute called "alt," which affects how people with visual impairments can access the content.

👀 Have you spent some time to check if this issue has been raised before?

🏢 Have you read the Code of Conduct?

rohanbabbar04 commented 11 months ago

Sure go for it