SaurovSaha / Task-Management-System

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Private Route exceptions not handled properly !! #2

Open arirah opened 9 months ago

arirah commented 9 months ago


arirah commented 9 months ago

The error you're encountering indicates that the decode method of the Firebase\JWT\JWT class is expecting a string as its first argument ($jwt), but it's receiving a null value instead. This can happen if the variable you're passing to the decode method is not initialized or if it's explicitly set to null.

Here are a few things you can check and troubleshoot:

Ensure the JWT is not null before calling decode: Make sure that the variable you are passing to the decode method actually contains a valid JWT string. If the variable is null, you need to investigate why it is not being set properly.

Check for proper JWT creation: Verify that the JWT is being created correctly in your code. Ensure that you are obtaining a valid JWT string before attempting to decode it.

Handle null cases before calling decode: If there are scenarios where the JWT might be null, add a condition to check for this before calling the decode method. For example:

if ($jwt !== null) {
    // Call the decode method only if $jwt is not null
    $decodedToken = Firebase\JWT\JWT::decode($jwt, $key, $algorithm);
} else {
    // Handle the case where $jwt is null
    // (e.g., log an error, return an error response, etc.)

Inspect the code in JWTHelper.php: Examine the code in your JWTHelper.php file around line 35 where the decode method is called. Ensure that the variable being passed as $jwt is initialized properly and contains the expected JWT string.

Check for variable type coercion: Ensure that the variable you are passing to the decode method is not being coerced into null. Check for any type casting or operations that might result in a null value.

By carefully reviewing these aspects of your code, you should be able to identify the root cause of the issue and resolve the Argument #1 ($jwt) must be of type string, null given error.

SaurovSaha commented 9 months ago

Also Solved the issue. It was my typing mistake code "null" but will have only a null string. Thank you.