Sav22999 / websites-notes

Take notes on every website in a smart and simple way!
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Support customised "sub-domains" #49

Closed Sav22999 closed 10 months ago

Sav22999 commented 11 months ago

I asked you in the past about using to add a note to more than one urls ( ). Sorry I didn't respond back then I had some issues with my github account. I'm not talking about some advanced pattern, just to be able to enter the at the end of the selected part of url so it will match all with that prefix basically. There was one addon like that with the old ff and it used to be popular but as far as I know no addon nowdays provides that and I consider it a game changer. The main reason for a note addon is to be able to see the note if at sometime in the future u return back to the same url. There are websites that accept both x.y/z/ and x.y/z. If you revisit it (perhaps from a link) if it is not of the same form as when u wrote the note then u won't see the note. This is solved with . Or there is something u want to keep in mind for a whole section of it but not for the whole domain, one easy example is qithub let's say I want to have a note regarding this repository, or the developer, if I leave it on one of its pages whenever I visit some other I won't see it and if it is a repository I don't visit frequently I won't even remember it. And there are many other such cases: profiles in social networks where someone's profile has several different pages (\profilex\photos etc), same for tutorials or similar to github if your in the space of a specific item/software/.. in a portal that has many pages related to it, etc (also in this subject if not difficult a choice to ignore the 1st part of url would be a welcome one as well = to display a note in all, and Probably that would be a solution for as well

related to #46

nik-gr commented 11 months ago

(@Sav22999 since you separated my suggestions, I guess here is a better a place to reply for this)

In my use cases the scenarios I thought was for website level, page level or/and only one "*" level but you are right if it is going to be implemented it's better to cover all possible cases

The easiest approach I can think of: 4 labels: global | domain | | page each one to get a green/dark/.. color if there is a note there (so when the popup opens, the user will know what notes he wrote related to the page) The to display the 'closest' match in a not editable format The to have a special field (or a field empty for the other labels) where it will show the url pattern for which the displayed note was written (perhaps at bottom above/below the update date) By clicking the label to toggle between all (if any more) matching notes If the user wants to add a " " note, the addon first shall display a prompt with the current url so the user will choose the url pattern he wants and then open in editable format to write the note and if there is already a note for that specific pattern then like usual the written note will be displayed ready to get modified Perhaps also (if possible) to have a badge at the '' label with the total number of the matching * patterns for the specific page

Sav22999 commented 11 months ago

@nik-gr This would be very complicated to understand for a common user. I'll think of it and how to implement, in case. Thanks!

nik-gr commented 11 months ago

ok, thanks! To be honest I don't find it that complicate from the scope of a user. Well, I gave it a try :) (it can always be as an advanced option enabled from settings so only users who want it will deal with it, although I do believe that most users will choose to use it)

nik-gr commented 10 months ago

great, thank you!!!

I don't know yet if it works as expected but as far as for ux/ui I think is great 👍 One small addition that I think will improve it: A different display (shadowed / a little different color / ..) at the labels that have notes. By labels I mean "Global", "Domain", "Page" and each subdomain label

I usually use the keyboard (instead of the mouse), do you think it's possible to add functionality that will allow the navigation to subdomain notes using keyboard? What I mean: As it is now with focus inside the note area (can go there easily with the addons shortcuts) I can press shift-tab + enter which is equal to mouse clicking on the 3 dots that open the options of subdomains but from there I cannot use keyboard to 'go' to them. (I know such a functionality won't be useful for almost all other users so I understand it's not worth to deal with it unless it is something that it's really easy to implement)

Sav22999 commented 10 months ago

@nik-gr I'll fix in the next release. You'll be able to navigate pressing "Tab" (or Shift+Tab to get the previous element focussed). Thank you!

nik-gr commented 10 months ago

You'll be able to navigate pressing "Tab" (or Shift+Tab to get the previous element focussed)

thanks, looking forward to it!

One last thing that I related it to this the issue, the issue with '/' that I mentioned can appear also in the page notes (I'm guessing domain as well). I have such a note, it is for page If I visit it without the last '/' the note is not displayed (it is a Page note). Will it be possible to change that?

Sav22999 commented 10 months ago

@nik-gr Sorry, I haven't understood the issue

nik-gr commented 10 months ago

I have a "Page" note for I can visit the same webpage if the url is (no redirection, keeps the url without the last '/') In the 2nd case I cannot see the note (since it is for a url that includes the '/')

(in my initial post I had mentioned it and for subdomains that I tested you did consider it and there is not such an issue)

Sav22999 commented 10 months ago

@nik-gr Ok, now I have understood. Basically if you visit the .../adb/ (with the /, it's considered as "Domain"), without it, instead, it's considered as "Page", as you said. I don't get that error 🤔

It's weird it doesn't work properly

nik-gr commented 10 months ago

When I wrote the note, I have visited the webpage from a link somewhere (I don't remember from where). The link for whatever reason was as:

And it is a webpage that I wanted to write a "Page" note for it which I did. A couple of weeks later I wanted to visit the specific webpage. I googled it and the url from google was without '/' =

So when I visited the page I couldn't see the note. I did remember that I had a note for it so in this case there was no problem but if it was a page that I would revisit after a long time I wouldn't have remembered I wrote a note for it and I wouldn't have seen the note.

If the match check for Page notes was ignoring the last '/' then whenever the specific page is visited will always show that there is a note there which is the desired behavior

Sav22999 commented 10 months ago

But the problem is that if a URL ends with "/" it is a directory (so not a Page), otherwise it is a Page -> I manage in this way to avoid issues (for example, if I include "/" in pages, when there is a page like https://..../index.php should I put "/" or not? Because a directory can have also name with ".").

I'm really sorry about this inconvenience, but actually this is not "a problem" related with the addon. I mean, if the websites "move" pages it's very problematic. This problematic I think is very uncommon, and I think it's useless insert many other conditions for this. I hope you can understand, sorry

nik-gr commented 10 months ago

It can be solved if the note was left as subdomain note but to go like that you should have been aware that the website behaves this way so the note should be for subdomain instead of page. Which doesn't really help because what you want is to be able to see the notes you left when revisiting and it's impossible (and not practical) to know if a website accepts both ways of writing th url

Sav22999 commented 10 months ago

@nik-gr Yes, exactly. It's very complicated... and this is only for some websites which decides to move files. I don't think I'll implement a check for this, sorry

nik-gr commented 10 months ago

(my previous post was before I saw your reply)

when there is a page like https://..../index.php should I put "/" or not?

what I thought would be a solution was to ignore the last character if that character = /

But in any case yes, I am not aware of other web servers behaving like that. As long as it is exception it's not much of a problem, I agree