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High CPU usage when have the protected tabs on Firefox #69

Closed Tykveg closed 8 months ago

Tykveg commented 8 months ago

Firefox 119.0 (64-bit) from snap, ubuntu Website Notes 3.7.12 from Firefox add-ons store After the update, if I have any tabs that are protected by Firefox (e.g. about:addons), for some reason the extension consumes a lot of cpu power (100% usage basically) (got it from about:processes and system monitor). If I close those tabs, everything is back to normal. Of course, if the extension is disabled, everything is fine (even if I have those protected tabs), so I'm certain that this extension causes it (I can't see what extension does 100% cpu usage in about:processes).

Sav22999 commented 8 months ago

@Tykveg So you have this problem only on "about:addons" tab?

Have you tried on "about:debug", "about:blank", etc.?

Can you try also on "".


Tykveg commented 8 months ago

Okay. 100% cpu usage on "about:debug" too, but on "" and "about:blank" everything is fine.

Sav22999 commented 8 months ago

@Tykveg Ok, this is very weird. I thought there was some cpu usage for "unsupported" webpages, but it isn't.

I'll investigate right now, thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience!

Tykveg commented 8 months ago

Also everything is fine when I open special extension pages, that starts with "moz-extension://"

Sav22999 commented 8 months ago

@Tykveg Ok, I think I've found the issue. I'll release an update in (max) an half and hour. Please, then let me know if there is yet this abnormal usage of CPU.

Tykveg commented 8 months ago

Okay. Thank you!

Tykveg commented 8 months ago

I tested beta branch. I don't see 100% cpu usage anymore with those tabs.

Sav22999 commented 8 months ago

@Tykveg Perfect! Thank you. I'm releasing also on Firefox Addons, so in some minutes it should arrive officially via AMO 😄