SavandBros / tiwun-mobile mobile application written in ionic & AngularJS.
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Implement pagination #14

Closed Alir3z4 closed 9 years ago

Alir3z4 commented 9 years ago

Pagination does not need to be fancy or something that people are looking for in the internet right now, nothing like this: How to do paging in AngularJS?. Not at all!

Since this is an mobile application, it can be done easily without much coding or spaghetti involved.

For the beginning pagination can be Twitter style, where there's a load button at the end of the page and then loads the next chunk of the page.

New pages can be joined into $scope.items for IndexController. context data such as next page number, totally page numbers, previous page number and others are already there.


Alir3z4 commented 9 years ago

This has been done, We used infinite scroll <3