SaveTheChildrenUK / CostOfTheDiet

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Selecting and adding foods/food basket #13

Open jlhems opened 3 years ago

jlhems commented 3 years ago

Overall, I think the process to select and add foods to the food list is a bit confusing and not very intuitive, as follows:

  1. When foods are added to the basket, if you view the foods but don’t add them to the assessment at that stage and then go back to select more foods, the foods in the basket disappear without any prompt/warning message. Can the foods be kept in the basket until the user actively makes a choice e.g. adds or deletes them? I also hit a wrong button by mistake and when I went back to the food basket the added foods had gone.

  2. It’s not obvious that the ‘filter’ button has to be selected to get to the search foods option. Can this be more intuitive please? i.e. when the user chooses ‘select foods for assessment’ the search functionality should appear above the foods list.

  3. When foods from the basket are added to the assessment, not sure why they then have to be ‘saved to assessment’. Feels like this is an unnecessary step. As a user I think they’ve been ‘saved’ at the point they’re added. Unless you also choose ‘save to assessment’ the foods are lost without any prompt/warning message.

  4. Selecting foods by food name and then filtering by region doesn’t work (see fig1). It only works when the region is selected first and then the food name.

    Fig1 - food list by food and region
JustinJ5 commented 3 years ago

Hi jlhems,

Thanks for your feedback.



jlhems commented 3 years ago

Thanks Justin. Happy to discuss this point further re: making this section more intuitive etc.

Zerodriven commented 3 years ago

@jlhems - We're actually looking for any sort of feedback! So if you can think of more intuitive ways for anything please let us know and we'll take it into consideration. Our goal is to make your life easier!

DavidKavanagh commented 1 year ago

We have made some small improvements to this screen since this issue was logged, including prompting the user when there are unsaved changes. This is an area we'd like to revisit at a later date when we have time as I agree that it is currently unnecessarily complex, however we are unable to change it at this time.