Savefade / LegacyIGN

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Fix some issues. #2

Closed Mariopizza1 closed 1 month ago

Mariopizza1 commented 10 months ago
  1. Stop using ChatGPT (Seriously)
  2. Use MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT (So you don't have to get the max userid each time and add a 1 to it)
  3. Figure out a better token system (Maybe not use PHP Sessions)
  4. Use something like PDO instead of Mysqli
  5. Use die() instead of echoing something and then doing exit;
  6. Credit where you got the API Responses from
Savefade commented 10 months ago

Thank you so much for the suggestions. Sadly I can’t use 3 as when you close the app it logs you out (you would know this if you read readme) and I don’t use any type of sessioning. 6 Okay this goes to my good boi Yes i took the responses from the ios 6 instagram back in febuary. Do you think i should make them public?

Mariopizza1 commented 10 months ago

You should put in the README where you took them from.

Mariopizza1 commented 10 months ago

Either way try to find how instagram used to save sessions and try to replicate that. It might work.

Savefade commented 10 months ago

Sadly I don’t know how for versions 6.0 below, but i do know how to add that for version 6 up. I do know that versions older than 6 are missing some json properties (the same happened with Legacysnap)

Savefade commented 10 months ago

i finally figured out how to keep the client from logging out. i just needed to set a cookie with the name sessionid. if you want to add into your build paste this line in login setcookie("sessionid", "banana", time() + ($cookieexpiresin * 30), "/"); after the password verify check

upintheairsheep commented 4 months ago

i finally figured out how to keep the client from logging out. i just needed to set a cookie with the name sessionid. if you want to add into your build paste this line in login setcookie("sessionid", "banana", time() + ($cookieexpiresin * 30), "/"); after the password verify check

I'd suggest switching to Claude 3 Opus, heard it performs in the ~86% range compared to ChatGPT w/ GPT4V and Google Bard Premium