I am writing a program to control a software to realize the auto-click ,but neither the pymouse nor pyketboard worked ,,that means there is no response of the software, even the software is on the top of the screen. I dont know how to solve the problem, beg for your help. Below is my program:
Hi ,
I am writing a program to control a software to realize the auto-click ,but neither the pymouse nor pyketboard worked ,,that means there is no response of the software, even the software is on the top of the screen. I dont know how to solve the problem, beg for your help. Below is my program:
win32api.ShellExecute(0,'open','C:\Users\Jzz\AppData\Local\\ 770bc6656ddf6c8f26bf2a92e4b368e3\770bc6656ddf6c8f26bf2a92e4b368e3.exe','','',1)
m = pymouse.PyMouse() k = pykeyboard.PyKeyboard()
print ('2')
time.sleep(1) k.tap_key(k.enter_key,n=2,interval=1)
print ('3')
x_dim,y_dim = m.screen_size() x_pos = int(x_dim/2) y_pos = int(y_dim/2+72) print(x_pos) print(y_pos) print(m.position()) m.move(x_pos,y_pos) m.click(x_pos,y_pos,1)