Savolainen5 / The-Heirs-to-Aquitania

Savs' megacampaign's altervicky mod for Victoria 2ània-altervicky-mod.895808/
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Mellomamerika panama canal releases Midtenland #4

Open randomusernamea opened 3 years ago

randomusernamea commented 3 years ago

This seems like a bug that if someone starts working on the panama canal and someone else forms Mellomamerika Midtenland gets released. They were in Hispania's sphere and Hispania lost the sphere due to event I think then another nation sphere them and forms Mellomamerika and after a while Midtenland appears in Hispania's sphere. This was too fast for the sphere's to form and be removed via 100 influence and the fact that they appeared inside Hispania's sphere makes me think there is a weird interaction going on with the Panama canal and Mellomamerika.

Savolainen5 commented 3 years ago

Can you walk me through it in a bit more detail? Some GP started working on the Panama Canal, then another GP created Mellomamerika? Were ALL Midtenland cores released from Mellomamerika, or just Smalby (the province for the canal)?

randomusernamea commented 3 years ago

Yes. Hispania started on the canal Hispania lost sphere somehow other than the remove from sphere click Uilscyr Midtenland Uilscyr formed Mellomamerika Midtenland got released, pretty sure it was all their cores, Leirland and Panaben. It was for sure more than one province. Midtenland was also on Hispania's sphere of influence when released.

Savolainen5 commented 3 years ago

Was Uilscyr not in a position to remove Midtenland from Hispania's sphere? Or why do you say that HIS lost the sphere other than by the normal sphereing mechanic? Perhaps some generic event did it somehow?

randomusernamea commented 3 years ago

Because Hispania became neutral and Uilscyr sphered them too fast for that. What probably happened was the reject the panama canal option, in which case probably stop the formation of Mellomamerika from being possible if the canal is being constructed?

Savolainen5 commented 3 years ago

Ah yeah, good catch, I forgot completely about event 97392. I'll have to rework that.