Integrates Discord.Rocks API into the application, enabling new functionalities related to chat completions, model listings, image generations, and the GlobalAsk API.
API Client Configuration: Adds support for the Discord.Rocks API in ai/client.ts, including handling of its API key and setting up a default model for use.
Chat Completions Endpoint: Implements a new endpoint in app/api/chat/completions.ts to handle POST requests for chat completions using the Discord.Rocks API, including parsing request bodies and utilizing the configured client.
Model Listings Endpoint: Adds a new endpoint in app/api/models.ts for listing available models via a GET request to the Discord.Rocks API, leveraging the default client setup.
Image Generations Endpoint: Introduces an endpoint in app/api/images/generations.ts to process POST requests for generating images, parsing request bodies for necessary parameters.
Imagine Endpoint: Establishes a new endpoint in app/api/imagine.ts for generating images based on GET requests, including handling of query parameters and response formatting.
GlobalAsk API Endpoint: Adds an endpoint in app/api/ask.ts to facilitate GET requests for the GlobalAsk API, parsing query parameters and formatting the response accordingly.
Integrates Discord.Rocks API into the application, enabling new functionalities related to chat completions, model listings, image generations, and the GlobalAsk API.
, including handling of its API key and setting up a default model for
to handle POST requests for chat completions using the Discord.Rocks API, including parsing request bodies and utilizing the configured
for listing available models via a GET request to the Discord.Rocks API, leveraging the default client
to process POST requests for generating images, parsing request bodies for necessary
for generating images based on GET requests, including handling of query parameters and response
to facilitate GET requests for the GlobalAsk API, parsing query parameters and formatting the response accordingly.For more details, open the Copilot Workspace session.