SaxyPandaBear / food-pics

Scheduled webhook that scrapes Reddit and posts to Discord
MIT License
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[Bug] Image embeds on Discord do not render when referring to a Reddit image gallery #4

Closed SaxyPandaBear closed 2 years ago

SaxyPandaBear commented 2 years ago

For example. does not render the embed in Discord properly. I believe this is because the post itself uses an album, which I don't think was a feature native to Reddit when I originally wrote all of this code.

SaxyPandaBear commented 2 years ago
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(vars(sub))
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                     't1_hm0sblq': Comment(id='hm0sblq'),
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 'title': '[Homemade] Chocolate Babka!',
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 'url': '',
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 'wls': 6}

As of 11/25/2021, these are the dynamic attributes returned by the Reddit API

SaxyPandaBear commented 2 years ago

The FoodPost class uses the url attribute of the Submission object. In this case, it points to, which is not an image.

I don't want to fuss around with trying to introduce a carousel in the embed - don't think this even works without a persistent bot client. I did notice that there is media metadata returned in the submission for the different images in the gallery.

What I can do is pick one of the images from there and derive the URL myself, i.e.:

The metadata map is unordered, so I'll opt to just always take the first image ID.

SaxyPandaBear commented 2 years ago

This does not account for posting an Imgur album.. but cross that bridge when I get there