SayWhat69 / Plutus

An automated bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses
The Unlicense
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Has anyone ever managed to get bitcoins using this? #13

Open raakyat opened 3 years ago

raakyat commented 3 years ago

looks like this script is just for fun

merguezita commented 3 years ago

tbh i don't for the moment. Hope i'll have one

merguezita commented 3 years ago

i bit of math : I've 8 cores running with the program. 0.0032457721/8 = 0.000405722 it needs 0.000405722 sec to get one address So for one sec, i'll found 2464.741867584 addresses 1/0.000405722 convert in one day : 212953697.359275563 addresses a day There's 2^160 addresses in the whole blockchain. (10^82 = number of atoms in the universe) If we divide the number of addresses possible per the number of addresses found in a day : 2^160/212953697.359275563 = 6.863001936×10³⁹ For a year : 7.7728E10 So It would take 6.863001936×10³⁹ day to find all the address in the blockcahin. But we don't want the whole blockchain. We only want the adresses who are in the database. we only have 33M addresses which are interesting . In fact, we have 33165253×100÷(1.4615×10⁴⁸)×100 per cent of chance to get an address per day Response : I have 2.269258696E-37% chance to get an address per day 8.2E-35% per year To have 1% chance of having an address, I have to scan 1% of the blockchain = 1,46E46 address It would take 1.878E35 year to have 1% chance having an address

these calculations do not take into account the chance, so if you want to use this program, I hope you're lucky in real life.

PS : If you find some faults, i'm open

Prophet1984 commented 1 year ago

The program only generates and prints private keys so you wont get any crypto with this. To get BTC with this program, it needs to generate and print the mnemonic (seed phrase) from which the private key was created from. A mnemonic is generated using an (hd wallet), a hierarchical deterministic wallet. Private keys are "children" of this mnemonic and there can be millions of them, but there's no way to go back to the parent having only a child private key.

For example the program only prints this on a rich wallet:

" hex private key: 5A4F3F1CAB44848B2C2C515AE74E9CC487A9982C9DD695810230EA48B1DCEADD WIF private key: 5JW4RCAXDbocFLK9bxqw5cbQwuSn86fpbmz2HhT9nvKMTh68hjm public key: 04393B30BC950F358326062FF28D194A5B28751C1FF2562C02CA4DFB2A864DE63280CC140D0D540EA1A5711D1E519C842684F42445C41CB501B7EA00361699C320 address: 1Kz2CTvjzkZ3p2BQb5x5DX6GEoHX2jFS45"

instead of this:

" SEED PHRASE: example example example example example example example example example example example example hex private key: 5A4F3F1CAB44848B2C2C515AE74E9CC487A9982C9DD695810230EA48B1DCEADD WIF private key: 5JW4RCAXDbocFLK9bxqw5cbQwuSn86fpbmz2HhT9nvKMTh68hjm public key: 04393B30BC950F358326062FF28D194A5B28751C1FF2562C02CA4DFB2A864DE63280CC140D0D540EA1A5711D1E519C842684F42445C41CB501B7EA00361699C320 address: 1Kz2CTvjzkZ3p2BQb5x5DX6GEoHX2jFS45"

You need the SEED PHRASE in order o access a wallet

But this script can fully get you a rich wallet