Make roofs and walls of buildings fade when entering them or being behind them.
Create DynamicOcclusion Component that attaches to a player. The component will send a spheretrace on tick from the camera to the player to check if there is anything between them (Trace is on a separate channel). If there is something occluding the player, the component will fade it's opacity using the Dither Opacity technique.
Created temp meshes and material to test the system.
TODO: Make roofs and walls of buildings fade when entering them or being behind them.
Solution: Create DynamicOcclusion Component that attaches to a player. The component will send a spheretrace on tick from the camera to the player to check if there is anything between them (Trace is on a separate channel). If there is something occluding the player, the component will fade it's opacity using the Dither Opacity technique.
Extra: Created temp meshes and material to test the system.