Sayemum / Roblox-Game-Development

This is the journey of how I became a Roblox developer and how it first got me into programming and video game development.
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I have a question regarding your experience. #2

Open m1daz opened 1 year ago

m1daz commented 1 year ago

I am 17 years old. I have been coding since I was 11. I personally think that roblox as a game engine is perfect for people who want to make a game and don't want to learn complex concepts. I personally have made games on roblox and on godot. My godot game was an fps game that actually gained about 350 users before I inevitably had to shut it down. It was an online multiplayer game, and getting networking set up was not difficult. With this in mind, I feel as if roblox has almost scammed you. Let's take the fact that 80 robux is worth $1 when a user buys it. You cashed out 1,100,000 robux. When dividng that by 80, that means you should have been payed somewhere around 14,000 * 0.70 (30% marketplace fee). This sounds awesome, after all, game stores like steam and epic games and consoles etc all charge some fee for working with their store. YET! You were paid ONLY 30% of what your game brought in for roblox. and 30% is pushing it.

As someone whose developed games on other platforms, I could only wish for someone to take roblox's game engine and un-robloxify it. If I could provide my own servers, my own hosting, my own authentication, my own everything... I would. I did it for my game, and it wasn't that hard. Load balancing was available too, all the fun stuff, and I didn't mind.

In your opinion, if there was an option for you to have made your game in an environment not owned by roblox. I.e. the studio is the same, but instead of publishing to roblox, you're reponsible for users discovering your game, your responsible for publishing your game... YET you get atleast 70% of profits. Which in your case means going from 4000 USD to 10K USD.

Would you have taken this opportunity or would you have stuck with roblox?

Sayemum commented 1 year ago

Hey, thank you for taking the time to read what I've had to offer, and sorry for the late response. Part of what makes Roblox stand out from other game engines to me is the familiarity aspect. Roblox is a childhood game of mine and to this day I still associate with the platform in some way. As of writing, I actually am working on another Roblox game that I am having lots of fun with to fill time for the remainder of my summer.

I haven't considered using other game engines to make games because the familiarity isn't there, the community isn't there, and my overall enjoyment of making games outside of Roblox is less than what I would feel using other engines. There was a period where I tried learning how to use Unreal, but it had a massive learning curve so I switched to learning on Unity. After a while, I pretty much stopped making games on Unity because of the reasons I listed before that didn't allow me to continue creating games on other platforms.

In terms of revenue, yes, in a way Roblox is seen for having inferior pay compared to others almost as if they are scamming me. But with how much experience I have with Roblox, how much time I've invested on the website, and how much enjoyment I get out of creating games using their service, it's almost like I'm willing to get inferior pay to be on the platform that I enjoy more being on. Of all the platforms I've tried throughout my time as a developer, Roblox is the most fun to work with but probably the least paid one.

As for your hypothetical option, yes I would take up on that offer. Therefore, there would be many more skills and experiences to learn about outside of game development like running my servers and whatnot. Instead of honing my skills in creating games using a software, I could branch out to learning how to be a boss, run my own servers, run advertisements, build a community for new people, and many more roles that go into that. Although it will be tough to build my player base because that is one of the most significant advantages Roblox has and that is having active players. Basically, if the only thing that's changed where I have to manage everything else that's not making the games themselves, I would love to be able to do that if I was ever given that opportunity. It would be hard, but I think it would be more rewarding in the long term.

m1daz commented 1 year ago

Hey don't worry! When I wrote this I wasn't even sure I would even get a response!

And I understand what you mean. When you have roblox, something that you already know, it would be much harder to re-learn everything, start over, and then make a great game.

I was just thinking to myself that roblox's game engine is just so much better for people who don't need complicated call of duty like graphics and stuff. The way the server scripts and local scripts work, everything... Makes the game development process so much more enjoyable. Instead of roblox opensourcing their crappy LuaU, I wish so much more that they would opensource their game engine, even if they take a fee like unreal... it will still be such a good engine for some to use!

Thank you for your response!