Closed XXILTeun closed 1 year ago
Check your config you did something wrong
{ "clientId": "1088485744416407652", // The id of the discord bot "guildId": "1088482683992145990", // The id of the discord server "mainColor": "f6c42f", // The hex color of the embeds by default "lang": "main", // If you want to set english please set "main"
"closeTicketCategoryId": "1088484719508869120", // The id of the category where a closed ticket will be moved to
"openTicketChannelId": "1088485253330505890", // The id of the channel where the message to create a ticket will be sent
"ticketTypes": [
// You have a limit of 25 types (the limit of Discord)
"codeName": "category-one", // The name need to be in lowercase
"name": "Category One", // The name that will be displayed in the ticket
"description": "Description of Category One", // The description of the Ticket in Create Ticket Menu
"emoji": "š”", // The emoji of the type (can be blank)
"color": "", // Can be a hex color or blank to use the main color
"categoryId": "", // The category id where the tickets will be created
"customDescription": "Please explain your suggestion in detail. If you have any images, please attach them to your message.\n\nReason: REASON", // The custom description of the ticket type (set to blank to use the default description)
"askReason": true // If the bot should ask the reason of the ticket
"codeName": "category-two", // The name need to be in lowercase
"name": "Category Two", // The name that will be displayed in the ticket
"description": "Description of Category Two", // The description of the Ticket in Create Ticket Menu
"emoji": "š", // The emoji of the type (can be blank)
"color": "#f8312f", // Can be a hex color or blank to use the main color
"categoryId": "", // The category id where the tickets will be created
"customDescription": "Please explain your report in detail. If you have any images, please attach them to your message.\n\nReason: REASON", // The custom description of the ticket type (set to blank to use the default description)
"askReason": false // If the bot should ask the reason of the ticket
"codeName": "other", // The name need to be in lowercase
"name": "Other", // The name that will be displayed in the ticket
"description": "Description of Category Other", // The description of the Ticket in Create Ticket Menu
"emoji": "", // The emoji of the type (can be blank)
"color": "", // Can be a hex color or blank to use the main color
"categoryId": "", // The category id where the tickets will be created
"customDescription": "", // The custom description of the ticket type (set to blank to use the default description)
"askReason": false // If the bot should ask the reason of the ticket
"ticketNameOption": "Ticket-TICKETCOUNT", // Here is all parameter: USERNAME, USERID, TICKETCOUNT
"rolesWhoHaveAccessToTheTickets": [
], // Roles who can access to the tickets
"rolesWhoCanNotCreateTickets": [""], // Roles who can not create a tickets
"pingRoleWhenOpened": true,
"roleToPingWhenOpenedId": ["1088482683992145990"], // The role to ping when a ticket is opened
"logs": true,
"logsChannelId": "", // The id of the channel where the logs will be sent
"claimButton": true,
"whoCanCloseTicket": "STAFFONLY", // STAFFONLY (roles configured at "rolesWhoHaveAccessToTheTickets") or EVERYONE
"closeButton": true, // If false the ticket can be closed only by doing /closes
"askReasonWhenClosing": true, // If false the ticket will be closed without asking the reason
"maxTicketOpened": 1 // The number of tickets the user can open while another one is already open. Set to 0 to unlimited
This is the config
You forgot to set categoryId
I have set the categoryId and its still not working
Send the error please
this is the error i get: _**DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body parent_id[NUMBER_TYPE_COERCE]: Value "" is not snowflake. at SequentialHandler.runRequest (/BaitSMP-Ticket/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:933:15) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async SequentialHandler.queueRequest (/BaitSMP-Ticket/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:712:14) at async REST.request (/BaitSMP-Ticket/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js:1321:22) at async GuildChannelManager.create (/BaitSMP-Ticket/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/GuildChannelManager.js:170:18) { rawError: { code: 50035, errors: { parent_id: [Object] }, message: 'Invalid Form Body' }, code: 50035, status: 400, method: 'POST', url: '', requestBody: { files: undefined, json: { name: 'Ticket-TeunHessels-0', topic: undefined, type: undefined, nsfw: undefined, bitrate: undefined, user_limit: undefined, parent_id: '', position: undefined, permission_overwrites: [Array], rate_limit_per_user: undefined, rtc_region: undefined, video_quality_mode: undefined, available_tags: undefined, default_reaction_emoji: undefined, default_auto_archive_duration: undefined, default_sort_order: undefined, default_forum_layout: undefined } } } Promise {