-Run devnet with a fork of mainnet: yarn chain --fork-network https://starknet-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/rpc/v0_7
⁃Deployment works with burners, can't be problem of devnet
⁃Account class hash , signature mismatch. Find workaround to import same account type as the forked network.
Proposed Solutions or Ideas
⁃ Try native starknet js tx on deploy script with burner account on fork
⁃ If previous work, check transactor file and BurnerWallet files on next js app.
⁃ Replicate the starknet js tx using starknet react.
Temporary solution using current version
Using your extension wallets on devnet:
⁃ Run chain with fork
⁃ Connect to developer network on bravos extension
⁃ Get your account address and use faucet to get eth
⁃ Deploy your account through the settings of braavos wallet, as you would do with any other account on your extension
⁃ You are able to interact with it as if it was a devnet burner account
Outline your proposed solution or share any ideas you have for discussing or resolving the issue.
Issue Overview
-Run devnet with a fork of mainnet:
yarn chain --fork-network https://starknet-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/rpc/v0_7
⁃Deployment works with burners, can't be problem of devnet ⁃Account class hash , signature mismatch. Find workaround to import same account type as the forked network.Proposed Solutions or Ideas
⁃ Try native starknet js tx on deploy script with burner account on fork ⁃ If previous work, check transactor file and BurnerWallet files on next js app. ⁃ Replicate the starknet js tx using starknet react.
Temporary solution using current version
Using your extension wallets on devnet: ⁃ Run chain with fork ⁃ Connect to developer network on bravos extension ⁃ Get your account address and use faucet to get eth ⁃ Deploy your account through the settings of braavos wallet, as you would do with any other account on your extension ⁃ You are able to interact with it as if it was a devnet burner account Outline your proposed solution or share any ideas you have for discussing or resolving the issue.