ScalaConsultants / reactive-rabbit

Reactive Streams driver for AMQP protocol. Powered by RabbitMQ library.
Apache License 2.0
184 stars 40 forks source link

Upgrade dependencies #41

Closed vitorsvieira closed 8 years ago

vitorsvieira commented 8 years ago

Hi guys!

Are there any plans to upgrade the dependencies? I understand that upgrading will bring breaking changes, but soon Akka Stream 2.4.2 will bring backward compatibility issues with related deps.



mkiedys commented 8 years ago

Hi Vitor,

Akka is required in test only and isn't used in runtime. Reactive Rabbit implements Reactive Streams directly.

Here are all dependencies:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.reactivestreams"      %  "reactive-streams"         % "1.0.0",
  "com.rabbitmq"             %  "amqp-client"              % "3.5.7",
  "org.scala-stm"            %% "scala-stm"                % "0.7",
  "com.typesafe"             %  "config"                   % "1.3.0",
  "joda-time"                %  "joda-time"                % "2.9.2",
  "org.joda"                 %  "joda-convert"             % "1.8.1",
  ""         %  "guava"                    % "19.0",
  "" %  "jsr305"                   % "3.0.1",
  "org.scalatest"            %% "scalatest"                % "2.2.6"   % "test",
  "org.reactivestreams"      %  "reactive-streams-tck"     % "1.0.0"   % "test",
  "com.typesafe.akka"        %% "akka-stream"              % "2.4.2"   % "test"
mkiedys commented 8 years ago
