Scalified / fab

Floating Action Button Library for Android
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no resource found logback-android-core #44

Open chipcerio opened 7 years ago

chipcerio commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to build this project after cloning

$ ./gradlew --configure-on-demand --daemon assembleDebug installDebug

and got an error. It seems like it couldn't find logback-android-core. How're you able to build this?

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':sample'.
> Could not download logback-android-core.jar (com.github.tony19:logback-android-core:1.1.1-3)
   > Could not get resource ''.
      > Could not GET ''.
         > nodename nor servname provided, or not known
vbaidak commented 7 years ago

Hi, chipcerio

Thank you for contributing. On our side the project is built successfully, you can check it on Travic CI Also, checking your error, the artifact logback-android-core-1.1.1-3.jar is available by the link in your output log:

I might suppose the problem is in your network configuration. I suggest to check your proxy, DNS, hosts file or any other configuration, which may affect this issue.

Here are some solutions, which may be helpful: