ScarletStudy / DGS1-3DS-Release

Release repository for the 3DS version of The Great Ace Attorney - The Adventure of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou
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Screen issues in Motorola ONE #107

Open AutomataVM opened 5 years ago

AutomataVM commented 5 years ago

Hiya! I wanted to raise an issue on the Motorola one family of phones. The issue is that half of the screen is not shown and instead, the blue rectangle in the left side has longer size. here is a reference image. Is there anything to solve this problem??? Screenshot_20190806-133609

SoaringChris commented 5 years ago

This board is for issues with the English localization patch, not the game itself, that said depending on your phone it might have view mode options that determine how certain apps are displayed

AutomataVM commented 5 years ago

That is a bummer.hope I can change it somehow

wabberz commented 5 years ago

This board is for issues with the English localization patch, not the game itself. While this isn't wrong, we still try to help people with their issues.

@juanpablo64 See if your phone allows you to force fullscreen/immersion mode for DGS. You may also find relevant settings in the Developer Menu, especially if your phone has a notch. We are trying to mitigate this issue in the next release, but Capcom should fix this upstream tbh.

AutomataVM commented 5 years ago

I tried everywhere but the screen keeps getting cut down, I fear it might be a problem with the game itself. Can't find an option that lets me change fullscreen/inmmersion mode. I even changed the dpi in my phone, but that does not make any effect on the game itself. Also, I tried sending a message to capcom japan, though they receive only messages in japanese, figures!

Oh that's amazing! Hopefully you can solve this issue for the next release!

Bangaio65 commented 4 years ago

I got the Moto G7 and I have to set (in Developer Options): Smallest width: 320 dpi Display cutout: Hide

Same thing with Spirit of Justice (haven't tried the rest since I played them on DS/3DS already).