ScarletStudy / DGS1-3DS-Release

Release repository for the 3DS version of The Great Ace Attorney - The Adventure of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou
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Flash effect on "Witness Testimony"/"Cross Examination" looks strange #64

Closed Tayruu closed 4 years ago

Tayruu commented 5 years ago

The flash effect that occurs over the text for Witness Testimony and Cross Examination in London expands outside the text itself, making it look a bit odd.

I originally presumed this to be unintentional, as the text does not do the same in Episode 1, or not nearly as obviously.

Just to be sure, I checked how it looks in the unpatched original. It sort of exists, but somehow it's not as noticeable. I think the nature of the kanji makes the effect less obvious compared to the localisation.

I think if the goal was to make the effect like a flash that bleeds outside the letters, each letter's glow should be handled separately in the graphic, rather than stretching the whole graphic. (Unless this is handled in-engine.)

Honestly I don't know if this is the sort of issue that should be reported, but I thought I would at least bring it up~.