ScarletStudy / DGS1-3DS-Release

Release repository for the 3DS version of The Great Ace Attorney - The Adventure of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou
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Case 2: Minor text oddities #81

Closed AdmiralCurtiss closed 4 years ago

AdmiralCurtiss commented 5 years ago

In order of appearance:

2019-04-27_18-53-28 130_top

That "A!" at the start looks weird, you usually don't encounter that in English writing. I'd expect an "Ah!" or "Oh!" or similar.

2019-04-27_21-20-59 767_top

Extra space between the opening brace and the first letter.

2019-04-28_11-51-14 003_top

There seems to be a missing word in the last sentence from Hosonaga. Perhaps a 'the' in front of 'events'?

2019-04-28_12-00-29 410_bot

The evidence description refers to the polishing substance as 'boot polish', but in dialogue it's always referred to as 'shoe polish'.

2019-04-28_12-02-24 670_top 2019-04-28_12-02-57 948_top

I'd suggest matching those.

alessiocali commented 5 years ago

Update: After finishing case 3 it seems obvious to me that this is not necessarily the case and it would be natural for them to speak English while on voyage. Although it still feels weird that Jezail's talk would be hardly understandable.

I would add, when Nikomina refers to herself as a "Snow-white angel" Ryunosuke makes a comment about the fact that she managed to come up with that phrase despite her "shaky English". Up to that point it has been implied that Ryunosuke & co do not speak English (like in case 1 when Jezail speaks), and therefore they must be speaking Japanese (or that has been my interpretation up to that point)


keksdee commented 5 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to get back on this.

  1. The "A!" was a typo, seems to be fixed already; either from a previous issue or an informal report. Fixed, thanks.

  2. Same deal, it looks like. Fixed, thanks.

  3. I kinda feel like it sounds right if you read it a certain way, but it hardly matters. Fixed to add "the," thanks.

  4. Changed the evidence description to "shoe polish." Fixed, thanks.

  5. Jezail mentions "Queen's English" at one point, which refers to Received Pronunciation, though it's apparently more commonly known as King's English. It's like "stereotypical posh English," so that's why some of what she says is incomprehensible even to English-major Ryuu.