Closed rickprice closed 2 years ago
It looks to me like we simply need to convert a ISO date in timestamp to a unix epoch in milliseconds. dateutil warns that it ignores the milliseconds part of the ISO date format, so I'm looking for something more accurate.
I have changed the script, and without really proper testing, it seems to work for my use case on my fork. I will clean up the code in a few days, and then create a PR.
Could you post your changes for me to test? Would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I created a PR with my changes, I'm concerned that my calculation for TimestampMS might be incorrect, but the code is working for me.
I use your script to convert from the Google Takeout data to KML for use with exiftool and its working for my uses. I'm just not happy that it may not work for others yet.
Could you please check my code and tell me if you need changes?
The PR is:
This is the script I use to GeoLocate my photographs, its not really designed for others yet:
#! /usr/bin/sh
# Fail script if any command fails
set -e
## keep track of the last executed command
trap 'last_command=$current_command; current_command=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG
## echo an error message before exiting
trap 'echo "\"${last_command}\" command failed with exit code $?."' EXIT
# Setup where everything goes
LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_GPX="$GOOGLE_TAKEOUT_DIR/Location History/Location History.gpx"
LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML="$GOOGLE_TAKEOUT_DIR/Location History/Location History.kml"
function process_photo_directory() {
local directory="$1"
local dropbox_location="$2"
local directory_location_data="${directory}_loc_data"
local directory_dropbox="${directory}_dropbox"
echo "Clear out directories if we can ${directory}"
rm -rf "$directory_location_data"
[ -d $directory_dropbox ] && rm -r "$directory_dropbox"
echo "Copy pictures to be geolocated ${directory}"
mkdir -p "$directory_location_data"
cp -r $directory/* "$directory_location_data"
echo "Add location data $directory"
# [ "$(ls -A $directory)" ] && exiftool -geotag "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML" '-geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}-04:00' . -api GeoMaxIntSecs=1800 -overwrite_original_in_place $directory_location_data/*
[ "$(ls -A $directory)" ] && exiftool -v5 -geotag "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML" '-geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}-05:00' . -api GeoMaxIntSecs=1800 -overwrite_original_in_place $directory_location_data/*
# Sort the processed files in the location directory
pushd .
cd $directory_location_data
SortFilesInDirectory --extension CR2 --extension JPG
# echo "Copy pictures to dropbox directory ${directory}"
# mkdir -p "$directory_dropbox"
# cp -R $directory_location_data/* "$directory_dropbox"
# # echo "Move pictures from [$directory_dropbox] to dropbox location [$dropbox_location] $directory"
# rclone move "${directory_dropbox}" "Dropbox:${dropbox_location}"
echo Setup Google Takeout data
if [[ $(find $DOWNLOADS_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name 'takeout-*' -printf c | wc -c) == "1" ]]; then
tar -xzf $DOWNLOADS_DIR/takeout-*
location-history-json-converter -f kml -s 2022-01-01 "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_JSON" "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML"
# location-history-json-converter -f kml "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_JSON" "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML"
# location-history-json-converter -f gpxtracks -s 2021-11-01 "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_JSON" "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_GPX"
figlet Too many or too few takeout location zip files
exit -1
process_photo_directory "$WORKING_DIR/CanonT7i" "Pictures/CanonRawPhotos"
# process_photo_directory "$WORKING_DIR/CanonSX540HS" "Pictures/CanonSX540HS"
# Start terminal to watch the pipeline
# terminal -e watch --interval 120 "ls --format=single-column $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR $ORIGINAL_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_RAWS_UPLOAD_DIR $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR_ERIC | wc --lines | figlet -k"
# figlet Step 4: Copy original RAW files to staging
# rsync --ignore-missing-args $ORIGINAL_RAWS_DIR/* $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR
# rsync --ignore-missing-args $ORIGINAL_ERIC_CAMERA_DIR/* $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR_ERIC
# figlet Step 5: Geotag photos
# [ "$(ls -A $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR)" ] && exiftool -geotag "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML" '-geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}-04:00' . -api GeoMaxIntSecs=1800 -overwrite_original_in_place $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR/*
# [ "$(ls -A $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR_ERIC)" ] && exiftool -geotag "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML" '-geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}-04:00' . -api GeoMaxIntSecs=1800 -overwrite_original_in_place $DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR_ERIC/*
# [ "$(ls -A $ORIGINAL_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_RAWS_UPLOAD_DIR)" ] && exiftool -geotag "$LOCATION_HISTORY_FILE_KML" '-geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}-04:00' . -api GeoMaxIntSecs=1800 -overwrite_original_in_place $ORIGINAL_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_RAWS_UPLOAD_DIR/*
# figlet Step 6: Convert photos going to Google to JPEG
# Convert files in batch mode using default parameters
# Remember we may need to enter password
# figlet -k DropBox, You may need to enter passwword
# figlet Step 7: Upload RAW files to Dropbox
# rclone move "$DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR" Dropbox:Pictures/CanonRawPhotos
# rclone move "$ORIGINAL_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_RAWS_UPLOAD_DIR" Dropbox:Pictures/CanonRawPhotos
# rclone move "$DROPBOX_UPLOAD_DIR_ERIC" Dropbox:Pictures/EricCameraPhotos
# figlet Step 8: You now need to manually upload the photos going to Google Photos
# Remember we may need to enter password
# figlet -k Google Photos, You may need to enter passwword
# Move JPEG files to Google Photos
# echo Moving JPEG photos to Google Photos
# rclone move "$GOOGLE_PHOTOS_JPEG_UPLOAD_DIR" GooglePhotos:upload
Phillip created an improved PR compare to mine, it is here:
The fix is merged now.
Code is looking for "timestampMs" which no longer seems to be included in the Google Takeout data, however, "timestamp" is included and seems to be in an ISO date format.
I will see if I can create a PR to fix this.
Location of problem in code: