SceptreOfficial / Simplex-Support-Services

Support system for Arma 3
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[Feature Request] Access supports on unconscious units. [ACE] #111

Open RichActual opened 1 month ago

RichActual commented 1 month ago

The Problem: When playing with SSS tied to either a cumbersome access item (an ACRE radio or TFAR radio backpack) or a specific role representing the RTO/JTAC/FO etc. If the support requester is incapacitated and knocked unconscious using ACE the team lose the ability to call in any supports until that unit is back in the fight. Often it is not feasible to pick up the access item, especially when they are bulky and cumbersome such as ACRE/TFAR radio items that require significant inventory sorting to work. It leaves the players on the ground without any options to call artillery, air or extraction until their dear friend has returned to the world of the living.

Proposed Solution: When a unit falls unconscious in ACE3 or the vanilla revive system and can no longer call in supports, any other player can interact with the downed friendly in order to call in supports as if they themselves have the access item, as if they were taking the radio handset from the wounded man. This allows players to keep calling in supports quickly and easily until the support requester is back in the fight and can resume the job themselves. As soon as the wounded player is capable of calling in supports again, the option disappears from the unit.

Benefits: Allowing support requesters to remain a specialist role within a group/community but still allowing other players to call in air or artillery strikes, emergency extractions or anything else in the event that the one player who's responsibility it is is disabled. When the requester is back in the fight, the responsibility can return to them.

Example: My own community focuses on SOG recon missions, with the teams RTO being the only one who can call in supports remotely. Often we find ourselves (6-8 players) facing off against scores of AI as we're chased through the jungle, and rely on air support to even the field whilst we flee in terror. However, if the RTO is wounded we lose that support ability and often it's too time consuming to pick up the ACRE radio to call in supports and picking up the RTO's backpack means that either A) the players backpack is left in the jungle with most of their ammo in it or B) that another player has to stop shooting to pick up and carry that backpack whilst another carries the wounded RTO, taking three guns out of the fight rather than two.

The ability to drag the RTO into cover, let the medic bandage him up and quickly call in a napalm strike via an interaction on his body (taking the handset) would be incredibly useful to allow air strikes to keep coming in but letting the team remain mobile enough to keep breaking contact before we're overrun.