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[Feature Request] Mark Slingload drop-off's with smoke/strobe/flare. #112

Open RichActual opened 1 month ago

RichActual commented 1 month ago

The Problem: Often when calling in slingload resupplies, rather large areas are needed to ensure that the helicopter has room to land (very difficult in jungle environments) and in some cases, the team will be in a clearing but also taking cover behind some logs or rocks that act like a little fort. When the helicopter comes into the clearing and drops the supplies at the coordinates, this often puts the supply pallet (too heavy to drag) in the middle of the clearing, forcing players to crawl out into the open to resupply.

The Solution: Add the ability to mark the slingload drop area with a smoke/strobe/flare as with landing requests to allow players to precisely mark where they'd like the cargo to be dropped off, whether it be inside a fortified position, a vehicle on a road or a heavy machinegun on a rooftop.

Though this does pose a problem for multiple helicopter slingload lifts one solution could be allowing multiple smoke colours to be used, selecting helicopters in sequence.

Pop red smoke - confirm landing signal for helo 1 Pop purple smoke - confirm landing signal again for helo 2 so on and so on.

Benefits: Allows precision control to players on the ground when trying to bring in cargo of any sort in difficult areas where crates could end up rolling down hills, being stuck out in the open or vehicles could end up caught on tree's or other clutter. Marking a precise spot with a 10 digit grid is easy for some players but more difficult for others, and having a visual mark such as a smoke grenade that can be put down to precisely mark a drop spot would be incredible useful.

For larger lifts, where multiple helicopters are bringing in cargo, being able to precisely mark individual drop locations for each helicopter means that helicopters can be managed quickly and easily by players with markers who can ensure each helicopter has ample space to land without the AI accidently flying into nearby trees whilst trying to avoid the first bird.