ScerIO / PocketMine-MP-Android

⚙️ Run PocketMine-MP server both on your Android device!
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Friends can't join or they can't see the server #169

Closed LerDax closed 4 years ago

LerDax commented 4 years ago

Info: So I dont know if this is the problem but: I taked the address and put Server Ip(or server the same thing) I used my port and named my server.I did this for my server to be online everytime.Some of them sayd "Unable to connect the world" or idk Someone sayd she is not seeing it. Hope you solve it♡.

Endermanbugzjfc commented 4 years ago

port forward ur server, youtube search "{ur router company and type} port forwarding"

Endermanbugzjfc commented 4 years ago

the scerlo team wont solve this