This version has been added some simple features to it, as follows: -
Added [EpubLanguageRelatedAttributes] to certain classes (EpubMetadataDescription, EpubMetadataPublisher, EpubMetadataRight) and will be filled during the processing of some meta items to support the xml:lang, and dir attributes.
[PackageReader].readMetadata > result.MetaItems are now filled in before iterating over the children of [metadataNode].
Added support for the specification of ePub 3.0 for the element's creator and contributor.
Types of titles were collected instead of one title, to be processed in the application that uses the package.
To provide processing: Main, subtitle, short, collection, edition and expanded.
Example of the process:
**The data coming from the package can be transferred to classes and stored as it is in a database that accepts this matter.**
**I do not like to use Pull Requests permanently.**
This version has been added some simple features to it, as follows: -
, anddir
attributes. [PackageReader].readMetadata > result.MetaItems are now filled in before iterating over the children of [metadataNode].Types of titles were collected instead of one title, to be processed in the application that uses the package.
To provide processing: Main, subtitle, short, collection, edition and expanded. Example of the process:
final epubx.EpubMetadataTitle? subtitle = titles.firstWhereOrNull( (epubx.EpubMetadataTitle? titleElement) { final epubx.EpubMetadataMeta? associatedMeta = _getMetaAssociatedWithTitle( metaItems: epubMetadata.MetaItems, titleElement: titleElement, );
static epubx.EpubMetadataMeta? _getMetaAssociatedWithTitle({ required List? metaItems,
required epubx.EpubMetadataTitle? titleElement,
}) {
return metaItems?.firstWhereOrNull(
(meta) => (meta.Refines == '#${titleElement?.Id}' && (meta.Property == 'title-type')),