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Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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Serpentshrine Cavern values from Corecraft Test Server #10

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

For now I'm just trying to establish plausible values for the mobs. Documenting (pre-nerf) fight mechanics is beyond the scope of this post and as far as I'm concerned, should always be based on retail evidence rather than trying to replicate Corecraft. Bosses may have higher health than values I can verify from primary sources. That may represent state before from when raids were still wiping, or it might be custom tuning. Both numbers are provided.

As an SSC-specific note, most trash mobs appear to have values almost twice to what they had in 2.4.3. The thing is, at least for Beast-Tamers and Colossi there ARE sources for values that are double to datamined ones you see in wikis and databases so it seems very likely to me all trash were similarly tuned in the beginning even if I can't find a source, and subsequently I haven't bothered in finding verified values (the fallback is 2.4.3 ones anyway). For bosses it's also perplexing: it's well-known some bosses were absolute bonkers before being fixed and it's possible there used to be some evidence for the CC values, possibly from before world firsts or at least from before first videos where I can get an estimate of the health. However, while some individual details like Greyheart Spellbinder health can be verified despite not appearing in guides or wikis giving credence to all values being backed up by some retail sources, I can't prove a lot of CC-values. It's well-known SSC was unfinished when guilds first entered it and Blizzard tweaked it on the fly and even extremely inflated numbers (say, Karathress health) seem plausible with this in consideration. But the problem is, I can't find proof of those numbers. If you are making a server, you can either assume they're pre-world first values with bugs fixed (knowing that primary sources probably don't exist any longer and Corecraft is the only surviving secondary source so you just have to trust it), base your custom tuning upon those values regardless of their origin, or you can use verified ones.

If you want to reverse possible custom tuning, dividing melee damage by 1.3 wouldn't be too far off. Verifiable health values for bosses is provided.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Coilfang Best-Tamer 11800-16600 425500 0 Bestial Wrath (30yd range), Cleave for 135% damage ? Educated Guess, 1 The earliest comment mentions 400k health which is in-line with CC values. They appear to have been nerfed heavily since
Serpentshrine Sporebat 5600-8000 194900 0 Charge, Spore Burst for 1400-1600 and DoT ticking 532-806 ? Educated Guess N/A
Coilfang Hate-Screamer 6200-8800 265900 48465 Silence, Sonic Scream for 4600-5360 Immune, including cast speed reduction Educated Guess, 1 N/A
Underbog Colossus 12800-18000 1025000 0 Information about the mob listed separately Immune 123 N/A
Colossus Rager 1230-1750 77620 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Colossus Lurker 10400-14800 239400 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Purified Water Elemental 782-992 10772 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Tainted Water Elemental 1260-1770 17950 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Hydross the Unstable 11800-14000 3600000 (verified), 6323000 (CC) 303250 Water Tomb for 900/tick, Vile Sludge for 500/tick Immune 1, 2 I tried to verify damage values from those videos (world 6th and 7th kills respectively). Really annoying because random resist amounts and damage debuff, I can't definitely say CC values are wrong but looking at the numbers they feel like they're on higher side of things. Adds seem right compared to evidence
Tainted Spawn of Hydross 5000-7000 64600 (verified), 107715 (CC) 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Pure Spawn of Hydross 5000-7000 64600 (verified), 107715 (CC) 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Vashj'ir Honor Gueard 11800-16600 425500 0 Mortal Strike for 80% damage, Knockback, Frightening Shout, Frenzy at 50% ? Educated Guess N/A
Coilfang Priestess 6300-8800 239300 48465 Holy Smite for 3180-3850, Greater Heal for 40000-50000, Holy Fire for 2500 and 1300 ticks Can be CCd (including MC) Educated Guess, 1 Looks like they used to cast Holy Nova and Spirit of Redemption upon death prior to 2.2 patch but I can't find information about that
Greyheart Technician 2800-3900 39900 0 Hamstring for 1800-2100 ? Educated Guess N/A
Coilfang Shatterer 11000-15500 332500 0 Dual Wield, Shatter Armor (reflectable, not interruptable) Immune Educated Guess, 1 N/A
Coilfang Frenzy 918-1214 81000 0 N/A ? Educated Guess Spawn in water until naga trash tied to Lurker is cleared or Lurker is killed
The Lurker Below 19600-27000 5311600 (verified), 6323000 (CC) 0 Geyser for 3250-3690, Whirl for 4700-5370, Spout for 3238-3762, Water Bolt for 8750-11250 Immune 1 N/A
Coilfang Ambusher 2300-3300 shoot, 3800-5400 melee 27945 (verified), 46575 (CC) 3155 Spread Shot for 3500 ? Educated Guess N/A
Coilfang Guardian 12500-17000 69860 (verified), 116400 (CC) 0 Hamstring for 2000-3500, Arcing Smash for 125% damage ? Educated Guess Damage seems to check out to Kungen video, I can't find source for the HP values
Coilfang Serpentguard 10900-15400 332500 0 Corrupt Devotion Aura, Spell Reflection, Cleave Immune Educated Guess N/A
Greyheart Nether-Mage 6500-8800 265900 48465 Blink, Fire Destruction, Arcane Destruction, Frost Destruction, Rain of Fire ticking 2700-3000, Fireball for 2900-3700, Scorch for 2450-3050, Arcane Volley for 3800-4200, Arcane Lightning for 3100-3200, Frostbolt for 3200-4000, Cone of Cold for 3000-3700 ? Educated Guess Each mob has an access to fire/frost/arcane set of damage abilities but no others
Greyheart Tidecaller 7800-11000 194900 48465 Frostbrand attack for 2800-3000 (~10% proc), Poison Shield that procs Virulent Poison ticking 7200 stacking 3 times, Water Elemental Totem with 5000 health Vulnerable to polymorph and fear Educated Guess, 1 N/A
Greyheart Skulker 8800-12400 199472 0 Kick ? Educated Guess N/A
Coilfang Fathom-Witch 6200-8800 194900 48465 Domination, Shadow Bolt for 2950-3250, Shadow Nova for 3300-5100 ? Educated Guess N/A
Serpentshrine Lurker 12400-17400 194050 0 Rancid Mushroom, Poison Bolt Volley for 2600-2800 leaving DoT ticking 509-591 ? Educated Guess N/A
Rancid Mushroom N/A 69860 0 Spore Cloud for 1000-1300 with DoT 360-540 per stack stacking up to 5 times
Greyheart Shield-Bearer 10500-14800 332500 0 Avenger's Shield for 3100-3900, Shield Charge targeted at furthest players for 3325-3675 ? Educated Guess N/A
Greyheart Spellbinder 9400-13000 191400 (verified) 80775 Mind Blast for 3500-4000 (12yd AoE) ? Educated Guess Health verified from Nihilum video despite it being 80% higher than what DBs have
Leotheras the Blind 11800-16600 4500000 (verified) 7343000 (CC) 0 Dual Wield, Whirlwind for 3000 leaving DoT ticking for 2500, Insidious Whisper, Chaos Bolt for 150 and +1675 fire damage taken debuff stacking up to 20 times Immune Educated Guess, 1 N/A
Inner Demon 1600-1800 (verified), 2500-3500 (CC) 12000 (verified), 20376 (CC) 0 Shadow Bolt for 3000-4000 None Educated Guess, 1 20% mitigation to fire/shadow, 60% vulnerability to arcane/holy/nature
Fathom-Lord Karathress 11500-15000 (verified), 15000-20000 (CC) 1821000 (verified), 3035000(CC) 254025 Cataclysmic Bolt targeted at mana-users for 50% of their max health, Sear Nova 2900-3100, Blessing of the Tides if Karathress reaches 75% health if any of his adds is alive Immune Educated Guess, 1 Last Resort (world 5th) video has Karathress hitting presumably armor-capped feral tank for at least 5.2k and most hits seem to be less than that (presumably non-crushing) while not enrage while crushing blow with CC max values would be 7.5k.
Fathom-Guard Tidalvess 10005-14138 (Bestiary), 16000-23000 (CC) 861600 (verified), 1436000 (CC) 161550 Windfury Weapon, Frost Shock for 5400-6600, Spitfire Totem (2250-3450 damage and 25000 health), Earthbind Totem, Poison Cleansing Totem (both with 20k health) Immune Educated Guess, WoW Bestiary World of Warcraft Bestiary isn't the go-to source for instances (for starters, Karathress damage is clearly too little even for post-nerf) but I don't see how many instances of WF hit in videos so it's difficult to determine damage and 10-14k listed in Bestiary seems about right
Fathom-Guard Sharkkis 5956-8416 (Bestiary), 10200-13800 (CC) 861600 (verified), 143600 (CC) 1661550 Multi-Toss for 2500-4000, Leeching Throw 3150 health/mana over 12sec, Hurl Trident for 1000-1500 damage on random target, Bestial Wrath/The Beast Within Immune Educated Guess, Bestiary N/A
Fathom Lurker 6000-8000 179525 0 Knock Away for damage+30 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Fathom Sporebat 6000-8000 179525 0 Knock Away for damage+30 ? Educated Guess N/A
Fathom-Guard Caribdis 5956-8416 (Bestiary), 10100-13300 861600 (verified), 1436000 (CC) 161550 Healing Wave for 110000-140000, Tidal Surge for 1600-1900, Water Bolt Volley for 2800-3200, Summon Cyclone Immune Educated Guess, Bestiary N/A
Tidewalker Warrior 8400-11800 332500 0 Dual Wield, Bloodthirst for 10000-14000 and 5200-5800 heal, Uppercut for melee damage, Enrage ? Educated Guess Enrage can be dispelled with tranq shot
Tidewalker Shaman 6300-8800 194900 48465 Lightning Shield for 1575-2025, Lightning Bolt for 2000-2400, Chain Lightning for 2000-2700 ? Educated Guess N/A
Tidewalker Hydromancer 6300-8800 194900 48465 Frostbolt 2700-3400, Frost Shock for 2400-2800, Frost Nova for 1750-2000 ? Educated Guess N/A
Tidewalker Depth-Seer 7000-9500 194900 48465 Tranquility ticking 5100-5900, Healing Touch for 11800-12000, Rejuvenation ticking 1616 ? Educated Guess N/A
Tidewalker Harpooner 8000-10800 299000 0 Net (permanent threat drop), Impale ticking 710-740 Immune Educated Guess N/A 5691000
Morogrim Tidewalker 18000-25000 569100 (verified), 8130000 (CC) 0 Tidal Wave for 3938-5062, Earthquake for 3000-4000/4500 (verified/CC), Watery Grave for 5800-6400, Watery Globule explosion for 4000-6000 (verified) or 6600-7500 (CC, also freezes) Immune Educated Guess, 1, 2 Video sources have some very big melee hits, CC damage range seems plausible after a quick look. I cannot verify health. However, Corecraft has the unkilled version of the encounter with spell reflecting water elementals and such like so they clearly had evidence I'm not aware of.
Tidewalker Lurker 2500-3600 17952 (verified), 29920 (CC) 0 Carnivorous Bite ticking 208/stack ? Educated Guess, 1 Method video shows damage higher than post-nerf values. I don't see health but it feels higher than the verified values as well
Water Walker Elemental 3000-4000 64629 3155 Spell Reflection, Water Bolt Volley for 1700-2100, Surge (charge) for 9036 ? Who the fuck knows, the boss in this state wasn't ever killed 3 elementals spawn simultaneously with murlocs and run to the room behind the murloc packs
Lady Vashj 19000-21600 (melee), 13800-16000 (shoot) 4856000 (verified), 8093300 (CC) 1693500 Entangle Ticking for 500, Shock Blast for 8325-9675, Static Charge for 1619-1882, Forked Lightning for 2313-2687, Persuasion (200% health/damage/movement speed, immune to CC, have to be tanked, lasts 20s) Immune 1, 2, 3 Nihilum kill screenshot displays Vashj shooting for unexpectedly high damage so increased damage seems plausible so I'm just leaving it as-is. I can't find a source for 8M health.
Enchanted Elemental N/A 6986 (verified), 9980 (CC) 0 N/A ?
Tainted Elemental N/A 6986 (verified), 9980 (CC) 0 Poison Bolt for 1885-2115 and DoT ticking 2000 ?
Coilfang Elite 11000-15800 249500 0 Cleave for 125% damage, Hamstring for 20% damage Immune 1 340k health mentioned in the blue post isn't the same as CC values but neither is 145k for post-nerf (which would be 175k). Corecraft values seem to reconcile these two conflicting sources at least. Damage range seems plausible looking at Method video.
Coilfang Strider 15000-21000 249500 0 Mind Blast for 2313-2687, Panic Tauntable Same as above Same as above
Toxic Spore Bat N/A 6986 0 Toxic Spores for 2775-3225 ? 1 N/A

Underbog Colossus

Each Colossus has random elemental vulnerability, one of three possible sets of abilities and five possible effects upon death. Quote from Wowhead describes the mechanics:

Frenzy and Atrophic Blow: This is the easy one - just have a hunter remove frenzy with tranq shot.

Acid Geyser and Parasites: Folks in melee will get a debuff that ticks for ~2k for a few seconds, then a Serpentshrine Parasite will spawn from them (they have 1hp, thunderclap kills them). Rogues can cloak of shadows the infection off.

For Acid Geyser, just have the whole raid stack up right outside of melee range behind the colossus. When the colossus changes targets to use acid geyser, the one person who is being targeted simply runs through the colossus to spin him away from the raid. After the effect ends they jump back in the stack.

Spore Quake and Rampant Infection: Just outrange spore quake (30 yards). Try to assign someone with a good ping to catch rampant infection when it starts jumping around the raid so you can avoid losing people to that. Rampant infection does more damage with each jump, so it will eventually oneshot someone if it is around too long (As a minor consolation, dying to rampant infection doesn't give a durability hit since the damage technically comes from a player).

Since all the abilities are in sets, it's easy to tell which major ability they have (Quake, Geyser, Frenzy) by looking for the minor ability. If sommeone gets rampant infection then you know it's going to be spore quake. If melee gets parasites you know it's going to be acid geyser. If you have decent communication about the abilities you can almost always have people in the correct positions before the big damage abilities fire off.

When the colossus dies, one of several things can happen. This isn't tied to what abilities they were using while alive.

  • Nothing.
  • Two big adds spawn. These need to be tanked.
  • 8 or so little adds spawn. AOE these down.
  • Toxic Pool - the ground turns bright green and starts doing damage. Run out of the slime :)
  • Blue mushrooms spawn. These put a heal/mana regain over time on you when you get close to them (if you run in and out of range you can stack the buff several times).

They're all weak to a random element - you can have a mage use detect magic or just wait to notice that someone is doing a lot more damage then usual.


Each mob has a random 100% vulnerability to nature, fire, frost

Abilities (one of three sets chosen randomly for each mob)

Set 1:

Set 2:

Set 3:


Upon death, colossi trigger a random death effect:

AnonXS commented 7 years ago