Schaka / TBC-research

Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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Karazhan values from Corecraft test server #11

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

In terms of Karazhan specifically, for now I'll be blindly recording the values from Corecraft test server unless I happen to already know of relevant sources. Primary sources can be studied afterwards if need be, but whether or not there's custom tuning involved, it's widely accepted the tuning feels right for 2.4.3 classes.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Spectral Stallion 4200-5800 71810 0 Absorb Vitality, Hoof Strike for +350 damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Charger 4200-6000 71810 0 Charge for melee damage +150, Fear ? Educated Guess Looking at Wowhead comments, Fear is cast after charge finishes
Spectral Stable Hand 2000-4200 37260 31550 Pierce Armor, Knockdown for 60-80, Whip Rage targeted at horses, Healing Touch for 11000-13000 targeted at horses ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Servant 4000-5800 69860 0 Curse of Past Burdens ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Apprentice 3700-5200 69860 0 Burning Brand for 139-161 ? Educated Guess N/A
Midnight 4248-6007 379400 0 Knockdown for 133-161 Immune Bestiary N/A
Attumen the Huntsman 4715-7508 379400 0 Shadow Cleave for melee-1500, Intangible Presence, Berserker Charge for 300 Immune Bestiary N/A
Coldmist Window 4300-6100 71810 0 Frost Mist, Poison Bolt Volley for 1500-2500 and ticking 238-262 ? Educated Guess N/A
Shadowbat 2300-3500 33805 0 Dark Shriek for 1350-1650 ? Educated Guess N/A
Coldmist Stalker 1200-1800 34930 0 Sneak, Chilling Poison ? Educated Guess N/A
Greater Shadowbat 5000-7000 71810 0 Sonic Blast for 2520-3080, Wing Beat ? Educated Guess N/A
Vampiric Shadowbat 5000-7000 71810 0 Vampiric Touch for 723-977 (~1/3 chance) ? Educated Guess N/A
Dreadbeast 5700-8100 71810 0 Cleave for melee+187 Enslaveable, banishable Educated Guess N/A
Shadowbeast 4100-5400 67610 0 Howl of the Broken Hills ? Educated Guess N/A
Phase Hound 2800-3500 34930 0 Phasing ? Educated Guess N/A
Hyakiss the Lurker 7000-9500 379400 0 Sneak, Hyakiss' Web, Acidic Fang for melee leaving DoT ticking 500/stack Immune Educated Guess A random animal boss spawns when roughly 75% of trash has been cleared
Shadikith the Glider 6800-9700 379400 0 Sonic Burst for 2188-2812, Dive for melee, Wing Buffet for 1050-1350 Immune Educated Guess Same
Rokad the Ravager 5200-7300 352200 0 Ravage for +500 and 2550-3450 over 10sec Immune Educated Guess Same
Wanton Hostess 5000-7100 95747 0 Transforms to banshee at 50% removing all debuffs. Before transformation Alluring Aura. After transformation Bewithing Aura and Banshee Wail ? Educated Guess N/A
Concubine 5000-7100 95747 0 Transforms to succubus at 50% removing all debuffs. Temptation (chance to heal target for 1500). After transformation Jealousy and Temptation (AoE seduce, removable with Tremor Totem) Banishable but not enslaveable Educated Guess N/A
Night Mistress 4400-4900 76586 16155 Transform to undead at 50%. Shadow Bolt for 2200-2800, Searing Pain for 1800-2200. After transformation Impending Betrayal for 3000 after 10s ? Educated Guess N/A
Phantom Guardsman 5000-7000 71810 0 Shield Slam for 1850-2150, Summon Phantom Hound ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Sentry 2600-3300 shoot, 5000-7000 melee 71810 0 Dual Wield, Multishot for 3150-3850 ? Educated Guess N/A
Phantom Hound 1100-1600 14362 0 Rend ticking for 300 ? Educated Guess N/A
Maiden of Virtue 8800-12000 607000 67740 Holy Ground ticking for 240-360 every 3s and silencing for 1s, Holy Fire for 3238-3762 and DoT ticking 1750, Holy Wrath for 2200-2300 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Phantom Guest 1550-2850 19960 15775 Searing Pain for 1350-1650, Throw for 700-880, Curse of Agony ticking 500, Immolate for 2000 and ticking 200, Goblin Dragon Gun for 158-192, Holy Nova for 360-440, Impale ticking 500-750, Throw Dynamite for 425-575 ? Educated Guess N/A
Phantom Valet 13500-23800 110700 0 Demoralizing Shout ? Educated Guess N/A
Phantom Attendant 2600-4700 49240 16155 Kick, Shadow Rejuvenation for 2000/tick Can be shackled but not taunted N/A
Ghostly Steward 6800-12000 71810 0 Frenzy at 50%, Drunken Skull Crack for melee+285-315 after enrage ? Educated Guess N/A
Skeletal Waiter 6500-11200 71810 0 Brittle Bones ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Retainer 7800-14000 98400 0 Shadow Rejuvenation for 2000/tick, Mass Dispel, Mind Control ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Servant 4000-7200 69860 0 Curse of Past Burdens ? Educated Guess N/A
Moroes 10400-16400 644980 0 Gouge for 950-1050, Garrote ticking 1075, Blind (closest non-tank), Frenzy at 30%, Vanish Immune Educated Guess, 1 There's very high damage on video that would check out but it's probably a crushing blow - either way it seems higher than post-nerf, health is unknown
Lady Keira Berrybuck 3400-5800 111780 25240 Blessing of Might, Divine Shield, Holy Light for 4600-5400 ? Educated Guess N/A
Lady Catriona Von'Indi 3600-5900 111780 25240 Dispel Magic (used offensively against players), Holy Fire for 2500, Holy Fire for 850-1050 and DoT ticking 950, Greater Heal for 11000-14000 ? Educated Guess N/A
Dorothea Millstipe 3500-6000 111780 25240 Shadowform, Mind Flay for 840 (before Shadowform buff), Mana Burn for 6000 mana ? Educated Guess N/A
Baron Rafe Dreuger 3700-6000 111780 25240 Hammer of Justice, Judgement of Command 1425-1563 ? Educated Guess N/A
Lord Crispin Ference 3700-5200 139720 0 Disarm, Shield Wall, Heroic Strike for +500
Lord Robin Daris 3800-5400 139720 0 Mortal Strike for 250% damage, Hamstring for 20% damage, Whirlwind for +700 damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Chef 7500-10500 71810 0 Cleave for melee, Hamstring for 20% melee ? Educated Guess N/A
Ghostly Baker 5000-7100 71810 0 Rolling Pin for 2250-2750, Roast for 2400-2700 and DoT ticking 500 ? Educated Guess N/A
Spectral Patron 1600-2250 19960 0 Left Hook for damage + 77-93 ? Educated Guess N/A
Skeletal Usher 8700-12000 118060 33090 Frost Shock for 2800-3500, Ice Tomb ticking 600-700 ? Educated Guess N/A
Ghostly Philanthropist 4600-6500 48621 16545 Incite Rage, Ill Gift for 3150-3850 but 1575-1925 mana restore ? Educated Guess, 1 Drop 12-13 gold
Spectral Performer 5600-8400 71810 0 Spotlight, Curtain Call upon death for 2775-3225, Bad Poetry ? Educated Guess N/A
Phantom Stagehand 7000-7800 71810 0 Net, Sandbag for 3500-4500, Mallet Toss for 2975-4025 ? Educated Guess N/A
Dorothee 3000-5000 216785 50805 Water Bolt for 2025-2475, Frightened Scream, Summon Tito ? Educated Guess N/A
Tito 1200-1800 49900 0 Annoying Yipping ? Educated Guess N/A
Strawman 6000-7200 158140 0 Burning Straw, Brain Bash, Brain Wipe ? Educated Guess N/A
Roar 3500-5000 158140 0 Frightened Scream, Shred Armor, Mangle for 1800-2400 and DoT ticking for 500 ? Educated Guess N/A
Tinhead 5900-7300 158140 0 Rust, Cleave for +300 damage ? Educated Guess N/A
The Crone 7000-9800 216785 50805 Chain Lightning for 2775-3225, 20% chance on melee to Fiery Broom for 2375-2625, Cyclone ? Educated Guess N/A
The Big Bad Wolf 5800-8400 542000 0 Terrifying Howl, Little Red Riding Hood, Wide Swipe ? Educated Guess N/A
Julianne 4100-5800 216785 66740 Devotion, Powerful Attraction, Blinding Passion for 1500 and 3000 over 4s, Eternal Affection for 46250-53750 ? Educated Guess N/A
Romulo 10000-14000 271000 0 Dual Wield, Daring, Posioned Thrust +100, Deadly Swathe for +110, Backward Lunge for 1900-2100 ? Educated Guess N/A
Ghastly Haunt 13700-19000 123000 0 Shadow Shock for 3700-4300, Ethereal Curse ? Educated Guess N/A
Trapped Soul 13800-19000 98400 33090 Elemental Armor, Cone of Cold for 2600-3400 ? Educated Guess N/A
Nightbane 14800-20800 2213100 0 Distracting Ash, Bellowing Roar, Smoldering Breath for 3700-4300 and DoT ticking 1688-1912, Charred Earth ticking 2188-2812, Cleave, Tail Sweep for 450 and 450 ticks, Rain of Bones for 352-408, Smoking Blast for 4200-4800 and 3000 fire damage over time Immune Educated Guess, 1 Both health and damage appear higher than in the video but video shows the encounter mechanics with immolation on skeletons etc
Restless Skeleton 1615-2499 16910 0 Immolation for 950-1050 ? Bestiary N/A
Arcane Watchman 9500-13300 147600 0 Overload, Crystal Strike for 2625-3375 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Arcane Anomaly 5550-7750 1005 85540 Loose Mana after death for 175 per second, Blink (threat reset), Mana Shield, Arcane Volley for 2250-2850 ? Educated Guess Can't be reduced below 1 health at pull, 1
Syphoner 2300-3250 37260 3155 Drain Mana ticking 250 ? Educated Guess N/A
The Curator 9200-12700 1163400 67740 Astral Armor for 90% damage reduction when not evocating or enraged, Hateful Bolt for 4435-5999, soft enrage at 15% Immune Educated Guess N/A
Astral Flare N/A 23270 0 Arcing Sear for 675-825 Educated Guess N/A
Arcane Protector 13000-18000 196800 0 Return Fire, Fist of Stone, Summon Astral Flare Immune Educated Guess Three different retaliation modes: melee, ranged, casters. Announced by Protector saying "Activating defense mode mode EL-[7M/2S/5R] for melee, spells and ranged respectively
Astral Spark N/A 1223 0 Sear for 650-985, Detonate for 1200-1450 ? Educated Guess N/A
Mana Feeder 1050-1500 39920 0 Astral Bite for 255-295 ? Educated Guess Immune to magic
Chaotic Sentience 3100-5000 (arcane) 71810 0 Unstable magic ? Educated Guess Immune to magic
Mana Warp 2500-3600 (arcane) 69860 0 Warp Breach for 5000-5500 Can be CCd Educated Guess N/A
Magical Horror 4750-6750 (arcane) 71810 32310 Power Distortion, Arcane Volley for 1625-1975 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Spell Shade 5200-5600 71810 0 Phasing Invisibility, Frostbolt for 1700-2300, Fireball for 1525-2075 and DoT ticking 200, Shadow Bolt for 2050-2775 Can be shackled Educated Guess Spells not reflectable
Shadow Pillager 3200-4500 59030 33090 Curse of Agony ticking 500, Searing Pain for 1350-1650, Immolate for 2000 and ticking 200 ? Educated Guess N/A
Homonculus 800-900 18630 18930 Firebolt for 695-805 ? Educated Guess N/A
Terestian Illhoof 8800-11800 1164300 0 Sacrifice ticking 1500 and 23285 health on Demon Chains, Shadow Bolt for 3600-4250 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Kil'rek 2500-3500 97800 35980 Amplify Flames, Broken Pact on Illhoof upn death ? Educated Guess N/A
Fiendish Imp 400-500 4591 7031 Firebolt for 180-210 ? Educated Guess N/A
Shade of Aran 2063-2992 1416200 168388 Flame Wreath for 3238-3762 if you cross the line, Blizzard ticking 1623, Arcane Missiles ticking for 1270-1540, Frostbolt for 3600-4425 with chance of proccing Chains of Ice, Fireball for 3910-5290, Dragon's Breath for 6000 over 6s, disorienting target and dealing the tick damage to allies, Magnetic Pull/Mass Slow/Arcane Explosion for 9000-11000, Summon Water Elementals at 40% (despawn after 90s), Pyroblast for 7000-7500 after sheeping everyone and drinking up his mana to full, AoE counterspell at 10yd radius Immune, can be interrupted Educated Guess 3878 armor (Bestiary)
Conjured Elemental ? 2036800 (CC) 13967 (post-nerf) 0 Water Bolt for 1800-2200 Banishable and fearable Educated Guess Health seems outrageously high compared to post-nerf 13-14k but significant drop in health is a documented patch change and in Last Resort video you don't see the raid even attempting to kill them and tank hitting one of the elementals doesn't move health bars at all. Maybe they originally weren't "supposed" to be killed and instead just let to despawn after 90s
Sorcerous Shade 4800-6800 78700 33090 Shadow Bolt Volley for 1700-2300, Frostbolt Volley for 1700-2300, Fireball Volley for 1550-2050 and DoT ticking 200 ? Educated Guess N/A
Ethereal Thief 10300-14600 98400 0 Disarm, Spatial Distortion, Cleave ? Educated Guess N/A
Ethereal Spellfilcher 9600-12600 98400 33090 Transference, Spatial Distortion, Arcane Volley for 2250-2750, Steal Magic ? Educated Guess N/A
Netherspite 12400-18000 1863000 3155 Nether Burn for 1200, Netherbreath for 4163-4837, Void Zone for 910-1110, Empowerment few seconds after portals spawn Immune Educated Guess N/A
Fleshbeast 7500-10600 123000 0 Gaping Maw ticking 1150, Infectious Poison for 1020-1380 ? Educated Guess N/A
Greater Fleshbeast 12400-17400 196800 0 Gaping Maw ticking 1150, Infectious Poison for 1020-1380 ? Educated Guess N/A
Prince Malchezaar 10800-15400 1897000 0 Shadow Word Pain ticking 1500 (P1&3), Shadow Nova for 3000 (P1-3), Enfeeble (P1&2), Trash (P2), Sunder Armor (P2), Cleave (seems to be the "on next attack" variant, P2), Amplify Damage (P3), Infernal Hellfire for 875-1125, Dual Wield (P2), Prince Malchezaar's Axes for 1900-2400 (dual-wielding such that every second attack is for 50% damage) Immune Educated Guess N/A