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Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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The Arcatraz Heroic pre-nerf #18

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

Determining the pre-nerf state of Arcatraz is troublesome because it received extreme documented nerfs (and any number of undocumented ones there might or might not have been) but I've been unable to find full clear videos prior to 2.1. There's a number of mobs that don't really pass my sanity check (being undertuned to what I would expect) but on the other hand I don't have any other numbers to offer. For what it's worth it posed an adequate challenge on Corecraft test server while remaining doable, but I can't help but to feel some values are off when looking at them.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Arcatraz Defender 2000-4000 27350 0 Infected Blood ticking 1575-2025, Immolate for 1200 and ticking 600, Flaming Weapon for 250 ? Educated Guess I can't find Flaming Weapon procrate. On CC it seems to be 5-10% which seems to be in the same order of magnitude as Timewalking dungeons - I didn't find a video of Arca trash - and would be similar to Fiery Weapon enchant that is 6PPM). In addition, damage seems kinda low considering the mob was specifically nerfed in 2.1.0 but I can't find evidence of pre-nerf state
Arcatraz Warder 1700-3300 (melee), 1400-2600 (ranged) 22488 15400 Improved Wing Clip, Infected Blood ticking 1575-2025, Charged Arcane Shot for 1500, Arcane Shot for 1995-2205 ? Educated Guess Runs away after using Wing Clip
Protean Horror 633-1570 8510 0 Toothy Bite for 135% damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Protean Spawn 630-850 4595 0 Acidic Bite for -675 armor and dealing weapon damage ? Educated Guess Tentonhammer guide claims they explode on death but I can't find any other source so without further evidence I'd put it down to human fallibility
Protean Nightmare 3000-6400 58166 0 Gaping Maw for melee damage and DoT ticking 1425-1575, Infectious Poison ticking 1050-1350, Infectious Poison ticking 1020-1380, Incubation for 12s ending with Emergence for 1316-1384 and Protean Spawn spawning ? Educated Guess Damage range seems extreme (same with Horror) and in that regard doesn't pass my sanity check. In addition, the damage also seems to be on the lower side of things because the mob was nerfed in 2.1.0 and the damage isn't extreme relative to other mobs you see in TBC heroics that weren't nerfed.
Soul Devourer 5200-7000 56587 0 Enrage, Fel Breath for 2775-3225, Sightless Eye ? Educated Guess N/A
Entropic Eye 4500-6200 45271 12620 Tentacle Cleave for +500, Hex (20yd AoE), Frostbolt/Fireball/Arcane Bolt/Shadow Bolt/Poison Bolt for 2550-3450 (instant), Chaos Breath with one of the following random effects: Corrosive Poison for -5000 armor and ticking 722-928, Fevered Fatigue, Necrotic Poison, Piercing Shadow, Shrink, Wavering Will, Withered Touch ticking for 463 shadow damage and mana drain ? Educated Guess N/A
Death Watcher 5300-6300 56587 0 Tentacle Cleave for +500, Drain Life ticking 2000, Death Count at 50% for 10000-11000 ? Educated Guess According Wowpedia Death Count is cast at everyone in LoS, allowing non-tanks to avoid it. Debuff cleared when the mob dies
Sightless Eye 300-400 1886 0 Sightless Touch for 950-1050 ? Educated guess Spams Sightless Eye at random player without cooldown
Zereketh the Unbound 3400-4700 (shadow) 159381 33090 Void Zone for 2250-2750, Shadow Nova for 3700-4500, Seed of Corruption ticking for 600 and breaking at 2500 damage, exploding for 2995 damage Immune Educated Guess, 1 Seed of Corruption knockback range was nerfed in 2.1.0 and it was more subtantial
Arcatraz Sentinel 4100-5800 155788 0 Energy Discharge for 938-1562 for 1975-2250, Explode for 7600-8100 (CC) Everything working against mechanical should work, including freezing trap Educated Guess, 1 Starts at 40% health. Drops threat roughly every 10 seconds (2). Corpse continues doing Energy Discharge for about 10 seconds after death. Due to absence of full run pre-nerf videos I can't confirm damage of the abilities but the presence of nerfs is documented in 2.1.0 patch notes.
Negaton Screamer 2750-3850 (shadow) 45271 31550 Psychic Scream, Damage Reduction: Fire/Frost/Shadow/Nature/Arcane/Holy, Fireball/Frostbolt/Shadowbolt/Lightning Bolt/Arcane/Holy Bolt Volley for 2125-2875 ? Educated Guess Absorbs magical attacks gaining 75% resistance until it casts the corresponding damage spell. It admittedly is shadow so there's no armour mitigation, but the damage again feels a tad low for a mob that was nerfed
Negaton Warp-Master 7000-9400 56587 0 Summon Negaton Field, healing void creatures for 2500 and increasing their damage by 500 (stacking up to 10 times) a tick ? Educated Guess N/A
Eredar Deathbringer 7029-9932 45271 25240 Unholy Aura for 750, Diminish Soul for 300 stacking up to 10 times, Forceful Cleave for -2000 ? Bestiary N/A
Eredar Soul-Eater 6092-8607 0 Entropic Aura, Soul Steal, Soul Chill for 4100-4300 ? Bestiary for melee, Educated Guess N/A
Unbound Devastator 6400-9000 56587 0 Devastate for 3238-3762 (arcane), Deafening Roar for 2590-3010 ? Educated Guess N/A
Spiteful Temptress 4900-7600 56587 12620 Shadow Bolt for 3150-3850 (15yd AoE), Domination ? Educated Guess N/A
Skulking Witch 5900-8400 56587 0 Greater Invisibility, Chastise for 4600-4800, Gouge for 500 (8yd AoE), Lash of Pain for 3325-3675 ? Educated Guess N/A
Dalliah the Doomsayer 4200-5900 177120 0 Dual Wield, Whirlwind for +1750, Gift of the Doomsayer healing for 4625-5375, Heal for 18500-21500, Shadow Wave for 2250-2750 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates 4800-6600 177120 0 Immolation for 832-918, Charge for melee damage, Knock Away for melee damage, Felfire Shock for 2850-3150 and DoT ticking 950-1050, Felfire trail left on ground for 2200-2400 Immune Educated Guess, 1, 2 N/A
Ethereum Slayer 3800-5300 27944 0 Evasion, Impairing Poison, Slaying Strike for +500 ? Educated Guess N/A
Ethereum Life-Binder 2100-3000 22356 12620 Bind, Shadow Mend for 9000-11000, Shadow Word: Pain ticking 857 Immune to MC Educated Guess Wowpedia mentions shackle as a separate ability but in the absence of any other evidence I'm going to assume the author confused it with Bind. Damage seems a bit low considering the mob was nerfed in 2.1.0
Ethereal Wave-Caster 1950-2750 22356 12620 Arcane Haste, Polymorph, Sonic Boom for 3238-3762 Immune to MC Educated Guess N/A
Gargantuan Abyssal 6300-10200 96944 0 Fire Shield for 760-840, Meteor for 17800-19600 Immune to banish and enslave Educated Guess I can't verify fire shield damage, post-nerf would be 523-577 but the higher damage does seem plausible considering there's a comment that implies normal difficulty (inferred from meteor damage) hits that much too
Unchained Doombringer 6600-9400 59762 0 Berserker Charge for 950-1050, War Stomp for 2800-3200, Agonizing Armor ? Educated Guess I can't verify War Stomp damage but patch notes mention it was nerfed. Post-nerf is 2313-2687
Sargeron Hellcaller 4100-5600 45271 25240 Curse of Elements, Hell Rain for 2081-2418, Incinerate for 3700-4300 Immune to trap, banish, fear, enslave and stun Educated Guess Wowwiki claims Incinerate would do 4300-7300 damage but since dozens of Arcatraz nerfs are documented and that one is not, I'm inclined to think the poster got confused with Curse of Elements. I'll use the datamined values instead in my list
Sargeron Archer 3600-5000 (melee), 2600-3500 (shoot) 45271 25240 Frost Arrow for 2775-3225, Serpent Sting ticking 694-806, Immolation Arrow for 2775-3225 and Immolation ticking 500-700, Hooked Net for 1110-1290, Scatter Shot for 1, Rapid Fire Immune to trap, banish, fear, enslave and stun Educated Guess N/A
Phase-Hunter 3200-5400 110700 0 Phase Burst, Warp, Back Attack for +1850-2150 ? Adjusted CC damage range based on 1 Damage range seems extreme but looking at videos average damage seems quite all right.
Sulfuron Magma-Thrower 4700-6000 94448 13236 Magma-Thrower's Curse, Rain of Fire for 1850-2150, Shadow Bolt for 2700-3300 ? Educated Guess N/A
Twilight Drakonaar 4100-5600 118080 0 Brood Power: Black for 2125-2875, Brood Power: Blue for 1312-1687 damage and 1750-2250 mana burn, Brood Power: Bronze for 788-1012, Brood Power: Green, Brood Power: Red ticking for 525-675 ? Educated Guess N/A
Akkiris Lightning-Waker 3000-4000 94448 26472 Lightning Jump (resets threat), Lightning-Waker's Curse, Magic Grounding, Lightning Discharge for 2600-2700, Spell Shock ? Damage range estimated from Wowhead comment (1), 2 Melee damage in the video is very low compared to CC values but at that point we're in 2.2 patch. Lightning Discharge was also nerfed in 2.1.0 and I can't confirm CC values for that either
Blazing Trickster 2800-3800 89424 31550 Fire Shield for +100 fire resistance and 50 damage, Firebolt for 2600-3300 ? Educated Guess, 1 Firebolt damage seems correct compared to 3.1 version at least. Melee damage is a big unknown but the mob isn't supposed to melee much if at all anyhow
Blackwing Drakonaar 4100-5800 118080 0 Brood Power: Black for 2125-2875, Mortal Strike for 130% damage, Blast Wave for 3500-4500 ? Educated Guess, 1 Values seem plausible compared to the video
Harbinger Skyriss 4300-6000 194799 Mind Rend ticking 2000, Mana Burn for 1900-2100 (0.5 damage per mana burned), Fear, Complete Domination for 8s, clones at 66/33% with half damage, Mind Rend ticking 1250 and 29520 health Immune Educated Guess, 1 Information from clones is more difficult to verify from the video but CC Mind Rend and Mana Burn values could be verified