Schaka / TBC-research

Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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Blood Furnace Heroic pre-nerf #2

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

It should be noted that Coilfang/Hellfire instance values were recorded with less rigour, such listing damage values as they appeared on Corecraft instead of looking at actual ability behaviour from WDB (and then adjusting it if there's evidence of nerfs) so don't copy them blindly.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Laughing Skull Enforcer 7000-9500 27350 0 Strike for 200 extra damage, Shield Slam for 156 ? Educated guess N/A
Shadowmoon Adept 5000-7500 21881 3155 Thrash, Kick ? 1 N/A
Hellfire Imp 1650-2250 7545 12620 Fireball for 2250-3050, Fire Blast for 3200 ? Educated guess N/A
Laughing Skull Rogue 2500-3500 13675 0 Stealth, Slice and Dice, stacking Poison for 330 ticks, Kidney Shot, Dual Wield ? Educated guess N/A
Shadowmoon Summoner 1750-2650 19144 21588 Summon Seductress, Summon Felhound Manastalker, Fireball for 2700-3000, Flamestrike ? Educated guess Flamestrike damage?
Seductress 1100-1500 7754 3231 Lash of Pain for 1178 ? Educated guess N/A
Felhound Manastalker 2100-2750 7545 5000 Mana Burn ? Educated guess N/A
Laughing Skull Legionnaire 5800-7300 27350 0 Uppercut for 100% damage, Enrage ? Educated guess N/A
Shadowmoon Warlock 2000-3000 19681 7332 Shadow Bolt for 2250-3050, Corruption ticks for 1071, Felpower (only cast at Felguard Annihilators) ? Educated guess N/A
Shadowmoon Technician 2500-3700 28114 7332 Proximity Bomb for 3500, Throw Dynamite for 860-1000 ? Educated Guess N/A
Laughging Skull Warden 4400-6100 38962 0 Battle Shout ? Educated Guess N/A
The Maker 4700-5800 100534 0 Domination, Exploding Beaker for 2500-2800 Immune Educated guess N/A
Nascent Fel Orc 2423-3485 25852 0 Concussion Blow, Stomp, Dual Wield ? Bestiary N/A
Fel Orc Neophyte 1334-1887 19389 0 Frenzy, Charge ? Bestiary N/A
Broggok 2846-4129 82656 22500 Poison Bolt for 1050-1200 and stacking DoT ticking for 730, Slime Spray for 730-810, Poison Cloud for 600-700 Immune Bestiary N/A
Felguard Brute 8800-9700 27350 0 Pummel, Upper Cut for +90 damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Hellfire Familiar 700-850 7545 12620 Fireball for 850-1150, Fire Blast for 1500-1700 ? Educated Guess N/A
Felguard Annihilator 10500-12000 28114 0 Intercept, Pummel, Uppercut for +90 damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Shadowmoon Channeller 2700-300 11408 7332 Shadow Bolt for 2400-4500, Mark of Shadow for +1500 shadow damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Keli'dan the Breaker 2500-3500 103320 7500 Burning Nova, Fire Nova for 10000, Shadow Bolt Volley for 1800-2150, Corruption ticking for 600-670 Immune Educated Guess N/A