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Gruul's Lair values from Corecraft Test Server #20

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

For now I'm just trying to establish plausible values for the mobs by recording whatever numbers Corecraft has. Documenting (pre-nerf) fight mechanics is beyond the scope of this post and as far as I'm concerned, should always be based on retail evidence rather than trying to replicate Corecraft. Mobs have higher health than values I can verify from primary sources. That may represent state before from when raids were still wiping, or it might be custom tuning. In terms of Gruul's Lair specifically, trash appears to have +25% damage buff, Maulgar can be presumed to be ~correct given the patch notes and his adds hit a tad harder than in 2.3 (which is certainly post-nerf if there ever was a change to add damage) but their damage is ultimately modest and doesn't come up on shaman and mage in the first place.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Lair Brute 13000-18000 492000 0 Brutal Strike for 150% damage, Cleave, Charge Immune, can be taunted Educated Guess N/A
Gronn Priest 7800-10800 295150 0 Psychic Scream, Renew ticking 18500-21500, Heal for 138750-161250 Immune, can be interrupted Educated Guess Appears to have +25% damage buff relative to 2.3 values seen in Bestiary. Lair Brute appears to share this change, although I can't confirm if it's custom tuning or if it was changed before.
High King Maulgar 14000-19600 (CC), 12214-17270 (Bestiary, see comment) 1264700 (CC), 758800 (verified) 0 Arcing Smash, Mighty Blow, Whirlwind, Berserker Charge (P2), Intimidating Roar (P2), Flurry (damage reduced by 50%, attack speed increased by 200%, P2) Immune Educated Guess, Bestiary, 1 There was a patch change in which Maulgar's damage was reduced but attack speed increased. With that in mind, CC values seem very much right relative to Bestiary ones which are included for the purposes of sanity checking. HP unverifiable
Olm the Summoner 6800-9600 (CC), 4101-5792 (Bestiary) 505800 (CC), 303500 (verified) 101610 Summon Wild Felhunter, Dark Decay for 500 (stacking), Death Coil for 1800-2250 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Krosh Firehand 7800-9400 (CC), 4101-5792 (Bestiary) 505800 (CC), 303500 (verified) 101610 Spell Shield, Greater Fireball for 8550-9450, Blast Wave for 6013-6987 Immune Educated Guess N/A
Kiggler the Crazed 13000-15400 (CC), 6834-9653 (Bestiary) 505800 (CC), 303500 (verified) 101610 Lightning Bolt for 1488-2012, Arcane Shock for 657-843, Arcane Explosion for 1750-2250, Greater Polymorph ? Educated Guess N/A
Blindeye the Seer 3000-4100 (CC), 1724-2435 (Bestiary) 505800 (CC), 303500 (verified) 67740 Greater Power Word: Shield for 25000 (also gives immunity to interrupts and stuns but not silences, mass dispellable), Heal for 46250-53750, Prayer of Healing for 92500-107500 Immune, vulnerable to curse of tongues/mind-numbing poison, stuns and interrupts Educated Guess N/A
Wild Fel Stalker 2400-3400 (CC), 1474-2084 (Bestiary) 50590 (CC), 30352 (verifiable) 0 Wild Bite for 500-5000 (ignores armor), Determination (removes all debuffs, ie. death coil), Threaten (seems to be this ability) Can be banished, feared and enslaved Educated Guess N/A
Gruul 8800-12000 (CC), 6904-9761 (Bestiary) 5691000 0 Grow, Hurtful Strike for 12350-13650, Ground Slam, Reverberation, Shatter, Cave In for 2700 Immune Educated Guess, 1
KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

Verifiable pre-nerf health for Gruul sourced