Schaka / TBC-research

Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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2.3 TBC raid damage values #22

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

I think the primary interest for most of the community is figuring out pre-nerf values and World of Warcraft Bestiary is 2.3 so you lose the quest for pre-nerf values by default if you use it as a source. In addition, I'm not quite certain about its validity for raids, in the past I've noticed some oddities (it seems clear the authors got Blizzard's database dump, but there could be some systematic error for raids that I haven't figured out, or it might be human error on individual mobs, or I might be imagining things). Nonetheless, it is a primary source that doesn't rely on spending countless hours watching videos recording values to a spreadsheet (while trying to guess tank mitigation which might be difficult to know exactly) or trying to figure out a multiplier that converts retail server values to TBC ones (and then letting mobs hit you on retail server to figure out their damage ranges) which can lead to major systematic error (and is prone to other error sources, like Blizzard having changed the numbers to make content soloable, or patches breaking mechanics without them ever getting fixed).

Consequently, for all their faults, they do have a number of uses, be it sanity-checking another set of numbers or serving as a base set of "correct" numbers that can be then blanket-buffed while maintaining the relative tuning between mobs and bosses. Or some servers might actually want to implement post-nerf values even if it's not fashionable right now. Only damage values are listed because spell values tend not to be listed, spell lists are regularly incomplete and the exact values have usually been datamined anyway.


Magtheridon's Lair

Gruul's Lair

Serpentshrine Cavern

Tempest Keep

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