Schaka / TBC-research

Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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Black Morass Heroic pre-nerf #24

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Rift Lord 2800-3600 86172 0 Frenzy at 20-30% for 60% attack speed, Mortal Strike for 250% damage, Hamstring for 20% damage, Knockdown for 10% damage, Sunder Armor, Thunderclap for 2550-3450 ? Educated Guess They appear to come with two possible sets of abilities: Hamstring/Knockdown/Mortal Strike (1) and Sunder Armor/Thunder clap (2. 2.4.0 patch notes mention decreased health for Rift Lords and Keepers and these are at 2.4.3 values, but the patch notes don't say if it was for normal, heroic or both)
Rift Keeper 2500-3200 68928 32310 Curse of Vulnerability, Frostbolt, Shadow Bolt Volley for 4680-5720, Blast Wave, Pyroblast, Fear, Polymorph, Enrage ? Educated Guess, 1 There appears to be a mage and warlock types: one with frostbolt/pyroblast/blast wave/polymorph and one with Curse of Vulnerability/Fear/Shadow Bolt Volley. 2.2.0 patch notes mention Shadow Bolt Volley damage being reduced (to 2925-3575) but I can't find a source for original values other than that they must have been more
Infinite Assassin 520-720 6986 0 Sinister Strike, Backstab, Deadly Poison ticking 120/stack, Rupture ticking 133, Kidney Shot ? Educated Guess N/A
Infinite Whelp 250-330 3114 0 N/A ? Educated Guess N/A
Infinite Chronomancer 500-600 6986 9465 Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Arcane Bolt ? Educated Guess N/A
Infinite Executioner 500-720 17465 9465 Cleave for 110%, Strike, Hamstring for 20% ? Educated Guess N/A
Infinite Vanquisher 500-700 13792 9465 Scorch, Shadow Bolt, Fire Blast, Corruption ticking 535 ? Educated Guess N/A
Chrono-Lord Deja 3638-5140 118060 33090 Arcane Blast for 4500-5500, Time Lapse, Arcane Discharge for 3700-4300, Banish Dragon Helper Immune Educated Guess, 1 N/A
Infinite Chrono-Lord 3638-5140 118060 33090 Arcane Blast for 4500-5500, Time Lapse, Arcane Discharge for 3700-4300, Banish Dragon Helper Immune Educated Guess Spawns instead of Chrono-Lord Deja if you've already killed him. Np rep.
Temporus 4200-5800 147600 0 Spell Reflection for 8s (2.1.0 patch changed it to 6s), Mortal Wound (stacking 10 times, changed to 7 in 2.2.0), Hasten, Wing Buffet for 1875-3125, Banish Dragon Helper Immune Educated Guess N/A
Infinite Timereaver 4200-5800 147600 0 Spell Reflection for 8s (2.1.0 patch changed it to 6s), Mortal Wound (stacking 10 times, changed to 7 in 2.2.0), Hasten, Wing Buffet for 1875-3125, Banish Dragon Helper Immune Educated Guess Appears if you've already killed Temporus. No rep
Aeonus 5200-7600 1999620 0 Enrage, Time Stop, Cleave for 110%, Banish Dragon Helper, Sand Breath for 4700-5400 Immune Educated Guess N/A