Schaka / TBC-research

Research for several functionalities used in The Burning Crusade
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Shattered Halls Heroic pre-nerf #3

Open KimmoKM opened 7 years ago

KimmoKM commented 7 years ago

"Educated Guess" values have been recorded from Corecraft test server which isn't a primary source (credit for that research goes to NiM and Shiro). However, when I've tried to verify some of their values now and in the past, they've come out pretty much right and in my opinion are preferable to any guessed values and can be used for the time being until primary sources are studied.

It should be noted that Coilfang/Hellfire instance values were recorded with less rigour, such listing damage values as they appeared on Corecraft instead of looking at actual ability behaviour from WDB (and then adjusting it if there's evidence of nerfs) so don't copy them blindly.

Mob Damage Health Mana Abilities Immunities Source Comments
Shattered Hand Savage 2200-3200 27350 0 Slice and Dice, Enrage, Deathblow for melee damage and DoT ticking for 480-650, Dual Wield ? Educated Guess Enrage appears to be used at 25% health, Deathblow when they die
Shattered Hand Heathen 4000-5700 27350 0 Bloodthirst, Enrage, Dual Wield ? Educated Guess
Shattered Hand Legionnaire 3000-4500 52395 0 Aura of Discipline, Enrage, Pummel, Dual Wield ? Educated Guess, 1 Summons new enemies if mobs pulled with him die
Shattered Hand Sentry 4500-6200 27350 0 Hamstring for 20% weapon damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Shadowmoon Darkcaster 1550-2250 19144 35980 Shadow Bolt for 1700-2700, Rain of Fire ticking for 1200-1400, Fear ? Educated Guess N/A
Shadowmoon Acolyte 1300-2250 19144 35980 Mind Blast for 1200-1700, Power Word: Shield, Resist Shadow, Prayer of Healing ? Educated Guess, 1 PW:S absorb unknown, to my knowledge Prayer of Healing is only for MCd mobs but I haven't verified that
Shattered Hand Brawler 2300-2700 27350 0 Kick, Thrash, Curse of the Shattered Hand ? Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Reaver 5200-8400 27350 0 Cleave for 110% damage, Enrage, Uppercut for 6000-7500 ? Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Sharpshooter 1800-2800 shoot, 2200-3200 melee 20259 0 Scattered Shot for 50% damage, Incendiary Shot for 959-1171+238 ticks DoT, Viper Sting for 2736 over 8s, Serpent Sting for unknown damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Fel Orc Convert 1099-1428 13972 0 Hemorrhage for 110% damage ? Bestiary N/A
Shattered Hand Houndmaster 1900-2800 shoot, 3500-4500 melee 27350 0 Impaling Shot for 2100 and +250 damage taken, Volley ticking 540, removes CC from nearby allies ? Educated Guess, 1 N/A
Rabid Warhound 6000-8500 12226 0 Carnivorous Bite for 400 per stack, Furious Howl ? 1 N/A
Creeping Ooze 1700-2400 27350 0 Sticky Ooze ? Educated Guess N/A
Creeping Oozeling 150-420 4716 0 Sticky Ooze ? Educated Guess N/A
Grand Warlock Netherkurse 3800-4400 149420 62044 Shadow Slam for +630 damage, Death Coil for 1260, Shadow Fissure ticking 3500, Dark Spin for 4100-4600 physical, Shadow Bolts for 1070-1450 Immune Educated Guess, 1 Spin starts at 30-25% health
Shattered Hand Assassin 3200-3800 27350 0 Stealth, Sap, Dual Wield, Wound Poison, Crippling Poison, Backstab
Shattered Hand Zealot 2100-2600 9431 0 Hamstring for 450-550 ? Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Archer 1800-2600 shoot, 1900-2600 melee 20283 0 1160-1360 Multi-Shot ? Educated Guess N/A
Flame N/A N/A N/A Blaze for 4400-5400 N/A Educated Guess Fire on the ground during gauntlet
Blood Guard Porung 6300-8900 139482 0 Cleave for 110% damage Immune Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Gladiator 1400-3300 524288 0 Mortal Strike for 200% damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Centurion 6600-9200 524288 0 Battle Shout, Sunder Armor ? Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Champion 5000-7100 36781 0 Shield Block, Shield Bash, Concussion Blow for melee damage ? Educated Guess N/A
Warbringer O'mrogg 3100-4400 206732 0 Fear, Thunderclap for 800-1000, Blast Wave for 2500-3000, Burning Maul for 2 hits after BW dealing 2800-3500 extra fire damage each hit Immune 1 Threat mechanics a big unknown
Warchief Kargath Bladefist 2700-3900 206640 0 Sweeping Strikes, Charge for 4000-4700, Blade Dance for 2600-3300 Immune Educated Guess Blade Dance mechanics not well-understood
Heathen Guard 700-1000 11789 0 Bloodthirst, Dual Wield ? Educated Guess N/A
Reaver Guard 1000-1500 11789 0 Cleave for 110% damage, Uppercut for 1200-1600 ? Educated Guess N/A
Sharpshooter Guard 1800-2500 shoot, 700-1000 melee 11789 0 Scatter Shot for 1 damage, Incendiary Shot for 950-1150+DoT ticking 238 ? Educated Guess N/A
Shattered Hand Executioner 4500-5000 27350 0 Cleave for 110% damage, War Stomp ? Educated Guess N/A
Gabology commented 7 years ago

I don't have anything to add but just wanted to post to give some appreciation for the work you've put in here plus all the countless hours of work you must have put in filing the bug reports for Corecraft and all associated research.

I hope that you will direct your (obviously) immensely valuable efforts to the Crestfall project once that beta is in full swing.