SchapiroLabor / histoCAT

Histology Topography Cytometry Analysis Toolbox
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Imageld #53

Closed rcjm123 closed 4 years ago

rcjm123 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm relatively new to HistoCAT, I'm trying to import some IMC data (as ome.tiff files) and a segmentation mask I made in CellProfiler (as a .mat file). However, when I include the mask, the images don't open. The only channel that appears is 'Imageld'.

Is there something very obvious that I'm missing?


DenisSch commented 4 years ago

What is the name of your mask? Are you using "XXX_mask.mat"? If not try it. Does the loading works without the mask?

DenisSch commented 4 years ago

Is this still an open issue?

rcjm123 commented 4 years ago

Hello, sorry I was on annual leave over the Easter break. The mask was only listed as XXX.mat, I have renamed it in a XXX_mask.mat format and it still doesn't open

Deltacell commented 4 years ago

Hi Denis, I am having a similar problem - dataset with images open only when I remove the mask.tif image from the main folder. Using MATLAB2019 on MacOS Mojave. This is the error message on matlab:

histoCAT Samples arranged..Loading Masks,Tiffs of all Samples.. Unrecognized function or variable 'struct2array'.

Error in Process_SingleCell_Tiff_Mask>@(chan)struct2array(regionprops(Current_Mask,chandat{chan},'MeanIntensity'))' (line 86) get_mean = @(chan) struct2array(regionprops(Current_Mask, chandat{chan}, 'MeanIntensity'))';

Error in Process_SingleCell_Tiff_Mask (line 87) mean_tab = cell2mat(arrayfun(get_mean,1:length(chandat), 'UniformOutput',0));

Error in DataProcessing_Master (line 29) [Fcs_Interest_all] = Process_SingleCell_Tiff_Mask(Tiff_all,Tiff_name,Mask_all,Fcs_Interest_all,HashID);

Error in Master_LoadSamples (line 50) [Fcs_Interest_all] = DataProcessing_Master(Mask_all,Tiff_all,Tiff_name,HashID,Fcs_Interest_all);

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) feval(varargin{:});

Error in histoCAT (line 42) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)histoCAT('Master_LoadSamples',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

Any idea what is going on?


DenisSch commented 4 years ago

struct2array seems to be missing in your MATLAB installation. You can add the following function to your path:

function a = struct2array(s)
%STRUCT2ARRAY Convert structure with doubles to an array.

%   Author(s): R. Losada
%   Copyright 1988-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.


% Convert structure to cell
c = struct2cell(s);

% Construct an array
a = [c{:}];```
DenisSch commented 4 years ago

Please reopen this thread if this remains an issue.

rachel662 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I'm having this issue and have tried to add this function in at the end of the script but for some reason it's not working? would you be able to help me with this at all? thanks Rachel

rachel662 commented 3 years ago

I should add that I'm operating windows 10 but the script downloads histocat 1.76 which seems to be exclusively for mac? could this be why I'm getting these errors?