Schauweg / Smooth-Swapping

A Minecraft Fabric mod which moves items smoothly in inventories.
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Crash when shift+clicking out of Sophisticated inventories. (And other interactions between Sophisticated Series and Smooth Swapping) #63

Open Renniuq opened 1 year ago

Renniuq commented 1 year ago

Log looks to be quite similar to the ones sent in #44 and #59 (though the latter mentions it is the same as #56 but that looks to have a different issue in the crash report).

I am referring to any inventory from either Sophisticated Storage or Sophisticated Backpacks as a "Sophisticated Inventory" here, since I have not found any time where they behave differently for these purposes.

Shift clicking into a Sophisticated Inventory works, though plays no animation. Shift clicking out crashes the game.

Not Enough Crashes is pinging the issue as Sophisticated Core, not specifically Sophisticated Storage or Backpacks. Might be related to how they can increase the number of stacks per slot? That's mainly conjecture though. Adding a stack upgrade, and testing with a stack over 64, had no change to the results listed later in this post.

All the crash logs list "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index [num] out of bounds for length [num]"

Reproduced with in Forge 43.2.14 in 1.19.2 with only:

Smooth Swapping 0.9.2
Sophisticated Core
Sophisticated Backpacks
Sophisticated Storage

Steps to reproduce:

1. Install the above mods
2. Make a Creative world
3. Obtain a Sophisticated Inventory.
4. Put an item into it, either by normal clicking, or shift clicking.
5. Without having opened any vanilla GUI's aside from the Creative Inventory since loading the game, shift click an item out of a Sophisticated Inventory.
6. Game crashes.

Here's one of the logs from the crash with just those 4 mods, was triggered from inside a Sophisticated Spruce Barrel, if that context is helpful: crash-2023-06-18_18.36.54-client.txt

Further testing shows that merely opening a normal Minecraft GUI, aside from the Creative Inventory or Book and Quill (confirmed: Survival Inventory, Chest, Barrel, Shulker Box, Hopper, Dispenser, Dropper, Ender Chest, Furnace, Smoker, Blast Furnace, Trapped Chest, Stone Cutter, Smithing Table, Grindstone, Villager trades, Loom, Cartography Table, Beacon, Anvil, Enchanting Table, Brewing Stand, Crafting Table) first makes shift clicking in and out of Sophisticated Inventories work for what seems to be the duration of the Minecraft instance (even after saving and rejoining a world), though animations do not play either in or out for Sophisticated Inventories.

In addition, if the first shift+click move after shift+clicking out of a Sophisticated Inventory (achieved by first opening a normal GUI as listed earlier) is into a normal inventory, it does not play the animation, and the new stack in the target inventory does not render until picked up, shift+clicked out (in which case the animation plays normally, with the item initially appearing from nothing), or the inventory is closed and re-opened. Shift clicking out of a normal inventory as the next shift-move works fine, and subsequent shift-moves into vanilla inventories also work as expected.

Darwign commented 1 year ago

same here, crash on 1.19.2 when shift clicking inside the backpack inventory mods installed: sophisticated core, sophisticated backpacks, Smooth-Swapping crash-log:

KarratKake commented 1 year ago

Same for me crash-2023-06-22_01.03.19-client.txt

Rozbiynk commented 1 year ago


Potato22 commented 1 year ago

Repeatable with shift+clicking a kelp block into a furnace or smoker.

Crashlog snippet: image image

full crash report:

Renniuq commented 1 year ago

@Potato22 That crash report looks like it might be a different issue, based on my very rudimentary ability to read crash reports. Specifically, it looks like it might line up more with #61 and the issues being mentioned there, and collated a bit in #58 . Looking at what logs I can find around here for similar issues, it looks like that might just be happening on the Fabric version.

Testing on my end, I can shift click kelp blocks into a smoker fine with just Sophisticated Core, Backpacks, and Storage, as well as Smooth Swapping. Does not seem to make a difference on whether or not the smoker is active or not, both seem to function fine.

This is with the same versions of these mods as in the initial post:

Forge 43.2.14 in 1.19.2 with only:

 Smooth Swapping 0.9.2
 Sophisticated Core
 Sophisticated Backpacks
 Sophisticated Storage

Looking at your log, it looks like you have Iris, and quite a few other mods, with no Sophisticated Storage/Backpacks - you might want to open that out as a separate issue, with your modlist and modloader version. If you have time, removing half of the remaining mods in the pack at a time until the issue clears up should also let you narrow down what mods might be the exact issue there, so others can test that better. You could try making a duplicate of the instance for this, if you like, so you don't have to mess up whatever might be working on your current one.

If you are able to find the minimum set of mods to reproduce the issue, that can help greatly when narrowing down an issue to resolve it.

Potato22 commented 1 year ago

Oh I didn't realize sophisticated storage is a mod, I should've read more carefully. I'll try doing more trials to see if smooth swapping is the core issue. Thanks!

Rozbiynk commented 1 year ago

im have these issue when try to sort inventory with item scroller. I doesnt have any non vanilla mods, only client, but have these crash too