SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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letsencrypt SSL Error for Push and Bug repport #123

Closed ipoupaille closed 2 years ago

ipoupaille commented 2 years ago

I am using unifiedpush for notification ( I do not receive notification anymore since at least 1 month. When I test notifications, everything is ok except Push test (Tester le push in french). The error written is SSL error (Erreur SSL in french). When I try to send a bug repport (Rapport d’anomalie…), I got a SSL handshake error.

My device is on android 7.0 (not my fault…) I know that there is some problems with this version and lets encrypt certificats.

SpiritCroc commented 2 years ago

I can't talk about the unifiedpush FCM distributor, I won't test that since I'd recommend using the gplay-variant's inbuilt FCM distributor in SchildiChat. That said, I can reproduce this issue on Android 7 (and it doesn't even seem to show the inbuilt FCM as option :thinking: ).

@su-ex: looks like may be set up too secure for Android 7? Sending rageshakes on Android 7 to works, but not to openssl s_client -showcerts -connect shows some differences to openssl s_client -showcerts -connect here, not sure what exactly the issue is though. // Actually, login to the homeserver is also broken on Android 7, but works

SpiritCroc commented 2 years ago

Update: inbuilt FCM not showing on Android 7 fixed in . With that, we have the same ssl issue when using obviously, which we'll see what we can do later.

SpiritCroc commented 2 years ago

Issue was that was configured to only support secp384r1 as ssl_ecdh_curve, which Android 7.0 doesn't support. So setting it to prime256v1:secp384r1 fixed it.

Some relevance notes: