SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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Evaluate Element's new FTUE #145

Open SpiritCroc opened 1 year ago

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

Fortunately, Element's new login screens are behind a feature flag, which allows us to use our old login flow without much hassle, even though Element moved to a new one. Now that the new Element login flow seems to have matured, at some point I should try it out if I see any benefit of switching to that.

At least the part of having "custom homeserver" and "enter mxid" in the same screen sounds neat (autocompleting the hs similar as already done for ages on desktop). We probably want to remove the Element-self-advertizing carousel thingy, to make the login process more straight-forward.