SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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Custom Notification Categories #160

Closed OptimusGREEN closed 1 year ago

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Unable to set specific notification tones for specific chats/rooms

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

The ability to set up custom notification channels so they can be applied to individual rooms.

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

I know this is possible as you can create android notification channels on the fly in home assistant so you can assign different tones to different types of notifications. This would be a great feature that would effectively allow for similar to signal WhatsApp etc, the ability to set "contact tones"

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

I don't think this is really worth working on, since Android 11 introduced "conversations" , which allows the same thing (and is even targeted more at this use case), and which is already supported by SchildiChat.

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago

I don't think this is really worth working on, since Android 11 introduced "conversations" , which allows the same thing (and is even targeted more at this use case), and which is already supported by SchildiChat.

Oh, I had no idea this was possible already. So how do I go about setting a specific notification tones to a specific room? Could you point me to any documentation on how to achieve this?

I've had a good rumble through the settings and can't see anywhere to do this. Any help would be great.

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

Conversations require you to receive a notification of that chat first. Then, longpress the notification and click the gear icon (or something like that, depending on your Android). There it should list the "conversations" above the notification channels.

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago


I'm on Android 13 and have screen shotted the procedure you mention which unless I'm doing it wrong take me to the notification categories which is just the default ones. Screenshot_20221110_150522_One UI Home Screenshot_20221110_150538_Settings Screenshot_20221110_150547_Settings

There isnt a way to set a custom notification for a specific chat.

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

Here is what it looks like for me on Android 11 (sorry for German text):


I don't have any Android 13 available to test right now though. I would expect the setting should still be somewhere :thinking:

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago

Hmm,that's interesting. I've never seen that before for any app. I'll do some googling tonight and come back with my findings. Thanks 👍

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

So, I finally fixed my Android Emulator setup (it broke a while ago and I didn't care enough to debug before) and tried with Android 13, and it's just the same... maybe your OEM is doing something weird? :thinking:


OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago


No idea whats going on.

I may have worded the feature request wrongly anyway, what I think should happen is when you go into a rooms settings, should be able to set custom notification tone from there.

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

... and that's something I'm not willing to implement in SchildiChat, since this functionality is already possible using standard mechanisms provided by normal Android 11+ operating systems (don't know why it doesn't show for you), so I don't see the need to implement it in SchildiChat's room settings directly... :shrug:

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago

Its the standard way all messaging apps work like signal, whatsapp etc...

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

Other apps may have it inbuilt since this was not an Android feature before 11. I don't say I won't include such feature if anybody wants to implement it, just that I don't consider it worth it putting my time into implementing it, since an increasing amount of people will already have it either way from the operating system.

SpiritCroc commented 1 year ago

If it helps, here a screenrecord of me navigating an Android 13 emulator to the setting:

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this. Still same issue here. I'd be surprised if Samsung had removed this functionality. Its a S21 I have. I've done some serious googling today and can't find any info on this.

OptimusGREEN commented 1 year ago

I see that my phone does in fact incorporate the conversation settings as I can find them with other apps like signal and whatsapp but that element rooms aren't showing on the s21 as 'conversations', hence why a custom tone can't be set.

I'm going to close this as it seems an upstream issue between how element and the s21 communicate or decide what notification type is in fact a 'conversation' or 'chat'. I'll create a new issue on the element repo.

Thanks for your help.