SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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Input is hidden in rooms with one participant #208

Open jadyndev opened 9 months ago

jadyndev commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug The text input is hidden in rooms with exactly one participant.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a room with just yourself
  2. Enter the chat
  3. Convert it into a DM (/converttodm)

Expected behavior The input seems to exist, it is shown briefly when entering the chat from the menu and there is a blank area at the bottom where the input would be.

Screenshots Screenshot


Additional context

Upstream relevance unknown

SpiritCroc commented 9 months ago

Apparently, Element assumes you created a DM using invite-by-mail if no users are currently invited to the DM and only one user is in it: - in which case it makes sense to prevent you from writing messages that nobody will read.

What's the benefit of marking a one-person chat as DM? :thinking: Anyway, sounds like a "misuse" of the DM flag - which isn't bad per say, but that makes this bug not a high-priority to fix.

jadyndev commented 9 months ago

Element Desktop doesn't show this behavior, which is a bit inconsistent. I'm using such a room to share files and text between multiple devices, it's not the best solution but I have some kind of matrix client pretty much everywhere.

I wouldn't consider this a misuse of the direct flag, as the specification states:

This does not restrict the chat to being between exactly two people [...] Client Server API 11.25

SpiritCroc commented 9 months ago

I'm using such a room to share files and text between multiple devices, it's not the best solution but I have some kind of matrix client pretty much everywhere.

Doesn't explain to me the benefit of flagging it as "direct" vs not doing so, at least in a usual SchildiChat-setup where you have all chats in one list instead of separate DMs in the overview. Obviously it's still a bug :)

jun10r4lm31d4 commented 3 months ago

> > I'm using such a room to share files and text between multiple devices, it's not the best solution but I have some kind of matrix client pretty much everywhere.

Doesn't explain to me the benefit of flagging it as "direct" vs not doing so, at least in a usual SchildiChat-setup where you have all chats in one list instead of separate DMs in the overview. Obviously it's still a bug :)

For me the is the ability to silence notifications of groups and allow for chats.