SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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Parts of UI Language switch back to English Randomly #218

Open kefiiris opened 6 months ago

kefiiris commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Parts ot the UI's Language keep switching back to English randomly, including Date. Happens with Esperanto at least. Temporary solution is to switch to English and then again to Esperanto in settings.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Switch Language. (Esperanto in my case.)
  2. Wait for indefinite time.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. All components of the UI permanently stay on the selected language.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Screenshot_2023-12-02-23-24-00-718_de.spiritcroc.riotx.testing.foss.jpg

(Beta Branch, translations are present and Esperanto is selected.)

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context

Upstream relevance

Add any other context about the problem here. N/A

SpiritCroc commented 6 months ago

Have you "Follow system language" enabled or disabled in preferences (below the language setting in SchildiChat)? Can you try if it also happens after switching that setting (assuming you're also using Esperanto as system language)?

kefiiris commented 6 months ago

Have you "Follow system language" enabled or disabled in preferences (below the language setting in SchildiChat)? Can you try if it also happens after switching that setting (assuming you're also using Esperanto as system language)?

It is disabled. Esperanto is not available on my device in system settings.

SpiritCroc commented 6 months ago

Hm interesting. Maybe that's related to the bug. Is there some other system language that's close enough? :thinking:

kefiiris commented 6 months ago

Hm interesting. Maybe that's related to the bug. Is there some other system language that's close enough? :thinking:

Well nope.

I temporarily switched the System Language to French to see if it would affect it but it did not. It remained in English.

SpiritCroc commented 6 months ago

I would only say it's surely not related if this also happens after force-stopping and restarting SchildiChat after switching the system language to French. If it's easily reproducible to you, may be quite interesting to see if it also happens on Element for you. While I did some modifications to how languages are handled in regard to the "Follow system language" switch, I think when it's disabled it probably should behave the same.

kefiiris commented 6 months ago

I would only say it's surely not related if this also happens after force-stopping and restarting SchildiChat after switching the system language to French. If it's easily reproducible to you, may be quite interesting to see if it also happens on Element for you. While I did some modifications to how languages are handled in regard to the "Follow system language" switch, I think when it's disabled it probably should behave the same.

Yeah, I had SC force-stopped when I tested it.

I just installed element and testing if it occurs there. I will update you if it occurs.

kefiiris commented 6 months ago

I would only say it's surely not related if this also happens after force-stopping and restarting SchildiChat after switching the system language to French. If it's easily reproducible to you, may be quite interesting to see if it also happens on Element for you. While I did some modifications to how languages are handled in regard to the "Follow system language" switch, I think when it's disabled it probably should behave the same.

Yeah, I had SC force-stopped when I tested it.

I just installed element and testing if it occurs there. I will update you if it occurs.

Update: It occured in Element as well. I am going to put up an issue there.

SpiritCroc commented 6 months ago

Thank you!

kefiiris commented 6 months ago