SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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Dedicated pages for DMs and rooms not in spaces #232

Open baduhai opened 3 months ago

baduhai commented 3 months ago

I wish I had an option to have pages for DMs and rooms not in spaces like on the desktop version. Here's a mockup I made:


Notice the bottom bar.

SpiritCroc commented 3 months ago

I may implement that for the rewrite at, this codebase will only receive upstream merges and maybe bugfixes at this point. Initially I thought you were already referring to the new codebase since I didn't look closely :sweat_smile:

baduhai commented 3 months ago

I may implement that for the rewrite at, this codebase will only receive upstream merges and maybe bugfixes at this point. Initially I thought you were already referring to the new codebase since I didn't look closely 😅

I would be happy to have this feature in next too, but I haven't been using next since I have a problem verifying my session on there. I insert my recovery key, it accepts the key, but still keeps asking to verify the session. Other clients show it as verified, but it doesn't see itself as verified. Verification with emoji presents the same issue.

One other minor inconvenience I have with next is the fact that I can't import/export e2e room keys.