SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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"Only alert once" but per time period #234

Open wapsi opened 2 months ago

wapsi commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. "Only alert once" is a killer feature that does not exist in the upstream Element project. It's very useful when you have chats where the activity is very high by time to time. No more constant phone beeping, even if you want to keep noisy notifications turned on for specific chat. But even when "Only alert once" setting is enabled, sometimes you don't use your phone for several hours and the noisy notifications for the chats remain silent, even the discussion there has been silent for an hour and now a new message arrives.

Describe the solution you'd like It would be really nice if "Only alert once" feature would have an option to fine tune the timeout for the muting, like "Only alert once", but it's active for tunable amount of minutes?

Describe alternatives you've considered Some Android versions (like LineageOS) have built-in "silent repetitive notifications for 10/30/60 minutes", but my Samsung's Android does not have this feature.

SpiritCroc commented 2 months ago

Agreed that would be a cool feature. Currently the only-alert-once setting just uses something the notification library gives us for free, need to investigate how much effort it would be to do based on the last notification timestamp.