SchildiChat / SchildiChat-android

Matrix client / Element Android fork
Apache License 2.0
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Release Notes #238

Open BloodyIron opened 2 months ago

BloodyIron commented 2 months ago

Can we please get full Release Notes for releases on github?

SpiritCroc commented 2 months ago

You get them in the git tag, like e.g. in, what else do you need? :thinking:

BloodyIron commented 1 month ago
  1. Those are nowhere near sufficient Release Notes to actually know what changed in that Release
  2. I'm talking about in the "Releases" section, not the "Tags" section.

There are plenty of github projects doing this, and if you want just one example, check this out :

It's more being able to see actual notes of what went into each release, link to the relevant github issue#'s, and really a healthy amount of notes on releases so that people can see what actually changed, the context, and see if that's important to them or not. There's ways to make that not very time-costly on the dev's side (I don't know all the methods though, sorry).

SpiritCroc commented 1 month ago

I'm not doing github releases since I can't automate that with git. The tag notes contain exactly the same information a changelog in the Play Store and F-Droid includes. Maybe a better example is, since this repo here will not get any big releases anymore anyway. See where it says

- Update codebase to Element X v0.4.7
- Suggest frequently used emoji reactions (synced with desktop clients)
- Add pseudo spaces for unread chats
- Fix some upstream crashes related to rendering the timeline
- Setting to open reaction picker directly to fully expanded

I don't see why these wouldn't be sufficient for a user. (I won't duplicate upstream changelogs, look at the Element repo if you need that.)