SchildiChat / schildichat-desktop

Matrix client / Element Web/Desktop fork
Apache License 2.0
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Install instructions: No second path for key #136

Closed DC7IA closed 2 years ago

DC7IA commented 2 years ago

Current instructions for Debian-based systems:

sudo apt install -y curl gnupg apt-transport-https
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/super-apt-repo-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/super-apt-repo-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/super-apt-repo.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install schildichat-desktop

This means that an attacker gaining access to the server can also provide a GPG key. How can I know whether I'm getting the correct package?

Please also provide the GPG key on your website so it can be verified.

Also, who is behind :thinking:

su-ex commented 2 years ago

The problem is that I don't know enough about gpg. I'm simply using a single, isolated key to sign the packages. I couldn't figure out yet the usual/best way to sign commits as well as the apt repo packages across different systems with some sort of my master identity so I don't have a lot of keys that currently end up in a mess. I'm behind, as I'm maintaining SchildiChat Desktop.

SpiritCroc commented 2 years ago

Actually, and are handled by the same server right now afaik. So putting the GPG key on won't really help much if an attacker gains access to that server. (It would help though against an attacker who might manage to let point to a different server, but not

DC7IA commented 2 years ago

Actually, and are handled by the same server right now afaik.

Then I'd like to suggest placing it in the of this repo.

That then helps with verifying the key.

DC7IA commented 2 years ago

I'm simply using a single, isolated key to sign the packages.

Could you please post the public key here for now? Maybe add it to as well.

su-ex commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is, what you want:

pub   rsa4096 2020-12-08 [SC]
uid           Super apt repo key <>
sub   rsa4096 2020-12-08 [E]
DC7IA commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is, what you want:

Exactly, managed to verify the key. Thank you.

Still, it'd be nice to have it in as well.

su-ex commented 2 years ago

I've added the key to the readme: