SchildiChat / schildichat-desktop

Matrix client / Element Web/Desktop fork
Apache License 2.0
370 stars 42 forks source link

Main instance ( doesn't use compression for static assets, fails to load on slow downlinks #206

Open ghost-amnesiac opened 10 months ago

ghost-amnesiac commented 10 months ago

Loading Element Web ( 1.11.39 transfers 4.72MB of data and the biggest file transferred is bundle.js, at 1.83MB. gzip compression is used.

Loading SchildiChat Web ( 1.11.30-sc.2 transfers 15.29MB of data and the biggest file transferred is vendors~init.js, at 4.71MB. No HTTP compression is used.

SC Web fails to load on a slow downlink because its JS assets are too large. The main offender is vendors~init.js, which can take well over 5 minutes to fully download and will frequently time out. This can be reliably reproduced on a 100kbps - 250kbps downlink. Element will load fine in these environments.

image image
dreirund commented 10 months ago

time out. This can be reliably reproduced on a 100kbps - 250kbps downlink.

And in some areas or conditions 100kbps is still a lot.

Please, as long as data is flowing, however slow it is, don't time out. It should be possible to use it on a 32kbps connection (on congested GPRS-only connections this happens!) and on connections with several tens of seconds of ping round trip time (I have those frequently).

Especially in an "emergency" situation it might be really good to have Matrix chat working, even if the wait times are long.


su-ex commented 10 months ago

I'm currently on vacation. If you tell me the right nginx options, I might add them though.

dreirund @.***> schrieb am Di., 29. Aug. 2023, 09:39:

time out. This can be reliably reproduced on a 100kbps - 250kbps downlink.

And in some areas and use cases 100kbps is still a lot.

Please, as long as data is flowing, however slow it is, don't time out. It should be possible to use it on a 32kbps connection (on congested GPRS-only connections this happens!) and on connections with several tens of seconds of ping round trip time (I have those frequently).

Especially in an "emergency" situation it might be really good to have Matrix chat working, even if the wait times are long.


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