SchildiChat / schildichat-desktop

Matrix client / Element Web/Desktop fork
Apache License 2.0
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[FR] An option to spoiler part of a message #219

Open 1bcb opened 7 months ago

1bcb commented 7 months ago

In FluffyChat as well as Discord, it's easy to hide only part of a message behind a spoiler warning by wrapping the spoilers with pairs of vertical bars like this: ||spoilery stuff goes here.||

I am requesting that a similar feature be added to SchildiChat. Currently, the only way I know of to create spoilers in SC are either the /spoiler command, which is limited to spoilering the entire message, or <span data-mx-spoiler>Hidden content here!</span>, which requires you to use an HTML message and takes longer to type.

lexi-the-cute commented 3 months ago

yes please