SchildiChat / schildichat-desktop

Matrix client / Element Web/Desktop fork
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature] Inbox-Style experience for unread messages #247

Open michaelphagen opened 2 months ago

michaelphagen commented 2 months ago

I've recently switched away from Beeper to self-hosted matrix and schildichat, and one of the two features that I miss is the "inbox-style" experience. In Beeper, since you have all of your chats in one place, you can use an inbox to show new messages until they are manually marked read on swipe. It was a really useful way to keep track of messages I've received.

If setting up a true inbox and archive view for messages is out of scope, an alternative would be allowing the user to default to the "Unreads" screen and allowing them to only remove messages from that page manually. Swiping to dismiss would be ideal, but a button or context menu would be fine as well.

I would like to first work on the other issue I miss from Beeper (filtering spaces for each messaging service), since Telegram and Twitter are currently missing this feature and it seems more in my wheelhouse than app development, but I can take a look at this afterwards if there is no interest.

SpiritCroc commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, we need to redo schildi-desktop from scratch on top of latest Element if we want to get it in a shape that will be maintainable in the future, so we'll not add any new features at this point. Thanks for considering contributing though :)